“And Thy Lord Will Soon Give Thee And Thou Wilt Be Well Pleased” – An Astonishing Real-life Story

The above title – which, actually, is verse 6 of Chapter 93 of the Holy Qur’an – conveys a divinely vouchsafed motivational, hope-inspiring and promising message to every trial-stricken and breakthrough-seeking faithful. Inasmuch as, in the immediate two verses preceding it, He has assured that, “Thy Lord has not forsaken thee, nor is He displeased with thee; surely, every hour that follows is better for thee than the one that precedes.”
Across ages and climes, God has always fulfilled this powerful promise and, whenever and wherever such transcendent fulfillments have manifested, they’ve always revealed the transcendent powers of God, giving faith to the faithless, hope to the hopeless and opening divine doors to those against whom the doors to success have been closed.
The real-life story you’re going to read in this write-up is a confirmative narrative of one of the most astonishing fulfillments of this divine message of hope.
About half a century ago, Mr. Yahaya Obadara began his sojourn on earth. He was born a Muslim with a mixed sanguine that gushed from his Yoruba father and Bassa mother – two prominent Nigerian ethnic groups.
Growing up, he had a good fortune to be enrolled in an Arabic Center where he learnt some rudiments of Arabic language and Islamic religion. After, he went on to pursue his secular studies. Today, he is a civil servant under Kogi State of Nigeria.
While a child, life moved on pleasantly for Mr. Yahaya and, as he advanced to his late twenties and early thirties, so did the natural urge to marry begin to get hold of him — as it’s, normally, the case with any other youth.
At this stage, he began his ultimate search for a damsel with whom he would share marital destiny. And, in the long walk, he was able to hook, ultimately, a woman who would become his better half, much as each looked forward to becoming a delight of the eye to the other.
The marriage was solemnized, laying a new phase in his life. The marital experience began smoothly and advanced cordially, too, as they mutually consort with each other with love, affection and mercy. In fact, it was soon becoming a matrimony rife with joy, peace and tranquility, even as they began to see it fulfilling their mutual vision of an ideal marital experience, with much promising future for their marital destiny.
Sadly, however, whilst their marital relationship seemed advancing in a glorious marital experience on the one hand, the duo were to quickly realize that their matrimony was beginning to lack a vital reality, on the other hand. And, what could that be? Well, the answer is nothing but negative: several months had gone well into the marriage, but Mr. Yahaya and his wife were yet to be blessed with any child – the fruit of marriage!
At the initial stage, they had taken solace in praying privately with faith and hope that conception would soon beacon at them. But it didn’t. Moved by the turn of things, they began to go from one place of prayer to another, and as well as from one hospital to another where they both had several medical consultations, check-ups and treatments. However, whilst they were assured all was okay with them, nonetheless, the medical assurance and hope received from each of such outings would only alley their anxiety temporarily before it would be dashed swiftly by the wife’s menstrual flow.
As the situation continued from months to years without conception, so were their anxiety and distress grew deeper, their hope dimmer and faith shaken. As usual, but more disturbingly, now, the in-laws of both sides, too, were not only feeling deeply concerned and disturbed about this plight, but the mounting pressure from them was equally disturbing, too.
At this juncture where ten years had gone already into the barren marriage with no light seemed in sight at the end of the tunnel, and as the going gets tough and the tough gets going, it became obvious to them that the situation they were facing was nothing but a marriage-murderous challenge!
There had never been a single instance of conception, not even a miscarriage! Now, the thought of an eventual separation must have not only begun to fluctuate in their minds, but also in the whisperings coming from families and friends. But they could sum up the courage to manage to keep on pushing still. True, cancelling a contract of a life relationship that had begun on a good note and rife with strong mutual love and compassion cannot easily come about. But, for how long would they get the strength to hold on tenaciously?
Sadly, the span of ten years seemed to be the limit decreed for their marital destiny. And, as no any sun of a son has risen to cast its radiation on the tree of their marital union to entail their continued photosynthetic process of sustenance and growth, the leaves of the tree gradually withered away while the branches soon dried up. And, in the same 10th year, the marital tree was eventually cut asunder, and Mr. Yahaya and wife went their separate ways! A tragic end, indeed!
Of course, the intent of their separation was for each of them to try another marriage contract respectively. Pursuant to this, therefore, Mr. Yahaya was able to remarry in a not-too-long a time after. And with this second marriage, begins another chapter of our astonishing true-life story.
Will the apotheosis of Mr. Yahaya’s marital destiny change from the tragedy that had characterized his first episodic marital experience to a climatic comical ending in the second marital journey? For now, this writer can’t forecast this. All that yours sincerely can tell, tentatively, is that what is in the offing for us is much more intriguing and mind-blowing than what has preceded. So, let’s patiently walk on along with Mr. Yahaya through the slippery and tempestuous terrain of his matrimonial odyssey.
No doubt, while the new wife was just getting her first ever entry into a marital encounter, one can guess right that Mr. Yahaya’s escapade at this second marital shot must have been filled with deep anxiety and high hope carried over from the previous marriage. This is understandable, anyway.
However, the question is: will this new marriage easily offer Mr. Yahaya’s much-sought-after fruit of marriage like a bed of rose? Only the following storyline can reveal the answer to this.
It’s rather intriguing that Mr. Yahaya’s new marriage began on the note of more tragic experiences!
It all began when, within few time after their marriage, the new wife was blessed with a pregnancy. To the couple and their respective in-laws, this must have been one pregnancy, too many! Deep joy and rejoice must have permeated everyone and everywhere, from all the recesses of their hearts to the surrounding atmosphere beyond. Sadly, however, just as the conception had come within few time after marriage, the same way it had given way so quickly to a miscarriage that blew up their hearts and shattered their hope! That’s deeply tragic! Isn’t it?
However, as common to every human life, life-struggle must continue; as some would say, it’s not finished until it’s finished! In this light, Mr. Yahaya and wife continued their quest for the fruit of their marriage with more prayer and medical approach.
Soon after, Mr. Yahaya did it again. And again, the wife conceived, the second time, beaming rays of renewed happiness to the couple and families.
Notably, however, the atmosphere was that of a mixture of joy and fear. And it was not any fear of the unknown; it was the fear that the history of the first experience should not repeat it. And with this concern, the couple were full of prayer, earnestly entreating God to make their joy everlasting. But, sadly again, just sooner after the conception, another miscarriage stroke, even before the fetus could span the first three months, throwing the couple into a mourning mood, yet again!
To cut the tragic story short, it’s pathetic to note that within the first five years of their marriage, Mr. Yahaya and wife had experienced a total of five miscarriages! Notably, the same pregnancy his first wife could not conceive for the ten years of Mr. Yahaya’s first marital experience, his second wife had conceived it five times within five years of his second marriage. Tragically, however, all of them have been miscarried within the same five years. And, so, for the fifteen years of the two marriages so far, Mr. Yahaya has continued to remain childless!
As believers, it seemed that while God must have heard their prayers – as He hears all prayers always – one may plausibly concede that He has, out of His wisdom, perhaps, decreed the couple should go through a school of life where lessons of life trials are taught and experienced; albeit, for the manifestation of God’s will and decree, and also for the particular individual’s ultimate victory over trials and his/her promotion, progress, peace and, ultimately, realization of the Divine Being and the human self.
And it is from this stage that our interesting real-life story will take U-turn from Mr. Yahaya’s and wife’s negative/tragic adventures to their positive/comical experiences.
Events in Mr. Yahaya and wife’s quest for the fruit of marriage began to take a positive turn from the mid-year 2019. This was when a Muslim youth, Mr. Abdulwahhab, who is Mr. Yahaya’s colleague at work, came to meet yours sincerely in my office at Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Mosque, Otokiti, Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria, where he briefly narrated to me the plight of Mr. Yahaya and requested for special prayer for him.
Mr. Abdulwahhab had come to me because, about three years earlier, precisely in 2016, the same quest for children had brought Mr. Abdulwahhab and his wife to me, having been childless for some few years after marriage. Then, however, just three months after the commencement of our supplication before God, the wife conceived, and subsequently, today, both of them are parents to two male children.
With the above experience, Mr. Abdulwahhab said he felt resolutely that bringing Mr. Yahaya to the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at could be a sure way to getting God’s blessings, for the same God that had done his own, would still do Mr. Yahaya’s by His grace.
Having listened to him, I told him to ask Mr. Yahaya to come in person, importantly too, to enable me listen to his story in details and to explain to him the details of the particular prayer which we would do collectively.
Mr. Yahaya came, and we talked. After, I recommended the relevant prayer to him and his wife, while I, myself, undertook to join in a daily prayer that was to consecutively extend beyond a month.
They departed with hope. And, so was the prayer commenced with hope and faith in God’s positive response soonest.
To my amazement, after few weeks, he informed me that the wife has conceived. However, since the earlier five pregnancies didn’t reach or go beyond the first three months, both of them were having fears and concerns over this present. I cheered them up with words of hope and faith.
Gradually, the pregnancy continued to grow, while the prayers, too, continued concurrently. He would often call to update me at intervals. And so, three months passed, later five, then nine, and the pregnancy continued to grow and grow to the surprise of all.
It’s noteworthy that, during this period, my wife, had been pregnant, too, and had just delivered my third child, on 27th of February, 2020.
Now, it was a day to the naming of the baby (whom I was intending to name Yunus), and while I was planning to drive out to purchase some things preparatory to the naming, there came a call from Mr. Yahaya, and after the initial greetings and informing me that he is in the Federal Medical Center, Lokoja, he went on to let the cat out of the bag, as he exclaimed:
“Yaa Imam, I’m pleased to inform you that my wife has delivered safely. And it is a twin!”
“Twin! What a great news!” I, too, exclaimed.
At such an auspicious moment, the utmost way to express joy is to render words of praise to the God of creation and command. I did so.
But, Mr. Yahaya was not done yet. He continued,
“Imam, please, ever since the pregnancy, I had vowed that you will be the one I would request to pronounce the Adhan and Iqamah (words announcing the time and start of the prescribed Islamic prayer) to the ears of the babies.”
Initially, in view of my schedule for that moment, I humbly apologized for my inability to come. However, with a protest from members of my family, I had to call him that I was already on my way to help him fulfill his vow.
It was the 5th of March, 2020. With his special invitation, I joyfully joined the naming of the twin to felicitate with the family in an occasion that celebrated the grace and blessings of God upon Mr. Yahaya and wife and their victory over life-long trials and the break-through to success and joy.
In a hearty expression of gratitude, Mr. Yahaya busted emotionally, “Yaa Imam, I can never forget you and will forever be appreciative to you in my life, God willing!”
I responded that all were by the grace of Allah and I have only been instrumental through the blessings of the Khilafat (Caliphate) of Ahmadiyya.
Through this long journey of life-trials, Mr. Yahaya and family have realized they’ve been taught the ways of God and divine realization, and are now resolute to devote to the praise and glorification of God, by His grace.

Do you feel you’ve been inspired in any way by this astonishing real-life story? If yes, then, rest assured that, like Mr. Yahaya’s experience: “Your Lord will soon give you and you will be well pleased.” You have the right to claim this prayer.

Al-Hafiz Yunus Omotayo is a Missionary and Journalist of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria and the current National Chairman of the Muslim Writers Guild of Nigeria. Email: al-hafiz@thetruth.ng

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