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Author name: Admin

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COVID-19: Supreme Head of Worldwide Ahmadiyya Writes President Buhari, Offers Guidance On Nigeria’s Challenges

The Khalifa and Supreme Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has written the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, to offer his deepest sympathies and condolences to him and the Nigerian government and citizens over the Nigerians who have lost their lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic, praying that through the Grace and Mercy of Allah the Almighty the current world crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end as quickly as possible and that humanity may be saved from the short and long-term effects of the coronavirus as much as possible. In the historic letter, dated 26 June 2020, the Caliph of Islam reminded President Buhari of the teachings of the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that “a true leader of a nation is he or she who serves his nation and his people with sincerity and humility.” He therefore urged him to “imbue within the people of Nigeria a spirit of fulfilling the rights of God Almighty and of one another.” His Holiness stated that “if the people of Nigeria and the Government discharge their responsibilities with honesty and sincerity, and fulfil the rights of their Creator and of one another and forever uphold the principle of absolute justice, I firmly believe that you have the capability to become one of the most developed countries in the world.” Furthermore, while highlighting “intense global economic turmoil” as a possible backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic “that could lead to nations, especially major powers, turning against one another and for hatreds and rivalries to boil over and erupt into warfare and conflict,” His Holiness said he believes  “that Africa has an important role to play in the world’s future peace and prosperity, and as the continent’s largest country by population, Nigeria can and should play a major part in this effort.” His Holiness further conveyed to Mr. Buhari the belief of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community that “the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India was sent to the world in fulfilment of the prophecies of the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about a Reformer who was destined to come in order to bring mankind back towards God Almighty and to draw the attention of human beings towards fulfilling the rights of one another so that peace and harmony be established.” He therefore intimated the President that the Community has been long established in Nigeria and has a large membership. According to him, “With the Grace of Allah, we have established Ahmadiyya Schools and Hospitals in your country, which are serving the local people, irrespective of their faith or belief.” Adding that, “At an international level, with the Grace of Allah, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is now established in more than 210 countries and territories of the world and our objective is to spread the true and peaceful teachings of Islam.” Concluding, he prayed for the President that, “May Allah the Almighty grant you the ability to fulfil your duties as President of Nigeria in the best way so that your nation and people may prosper.” Below is the full text of the letter. His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari,President of The Federal Republic of NigeriaNigerian Presidential Complex,Aso Rock Presidential Villa,Abuja, Nigeria. 26 June 2020 Dear President, I pray that through the Grace and Mercy of Allah the Almighty the current world crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end as quickly as possible and that humanity may be saved from the short and long-term effects of the coronavirus as much as possible. In Nigeria, people have also lost their lives from this affliction and for this, I offer my deepest sympathies and condolences to you, your government and all citizens of your nation. As the worldwide religious leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, I am writing to you directly for the first time, though our Community has been long established in Nigeria and has a large membership. With the Grace of Allah, we have established Ahmadiyya Schools and Hospitals in your country, which are serving the local people, irrespective of their faith or belief, and, as a result, our Community is well known in Nigeria. At an international level, with the Grace of Allah, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is now established in more than 210 countries and territories of the world and our objective is to spread the true and peaceful teachings of Islam. In this era, according to the prophecies of the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) a Reformer was destined to come in order to bring mankind back towards God Almighty and to draw the attention of human beings towards fulfilling the rights of one another so that peace and harmony be established across the world. According to our belief, the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India was sent to the world in fulfilment of the prophecies of the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Upon his claim, he announced that he had been commissioned by Allah the Almighty with two core objectives – to enlighten mankind of the urgent need to fulfil the rights of its Creator and of fulfilling the rights owed to one another. As you will no doubt be aware, Islam is the religion which has, more than any other, placed great emphasis on fulfilling the rights of God and of humanity. The Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stated that a true leader of a nation is he or she who serves his nation and his people with sincerity and humility. Certainly, the greatest service you can render to your nation is to imbue within the people of Nigeria a spirit of fulfilling the rights of God Almighty and of one another. Hence, it is my sincere request to you that,



Most secondary schools in Nigeria were only a couple of days to the beginning of their second term examination for the 2019/2020 academic session when the federal government declared a national health emergency and locked down the whole country. Even the schools that had begun as at the time had only written a few papers. What then started like a few weeks’ precautionary step eventually ran for six (6) consecutive months. Secondary school students eventually lost the examination week of the second term, a full (3rd) term, and a few more weeks in the first term of a new session (2020/2021) due to the #EndSARS protest and the nationwide destruction that trailed it. While the coronavirus ravaged the world, the consequent multifaceted national and individual losses for many citizens can only be imagined. The rest, they say, is history. At about the same time, the university teachers embarked on indefinite strike action over an unfulfilled agreement the federal government had with their union, Academic Staff Union of University (ASUU) way back in 2009. That too sent university students back home. They were to remain at home for the next nine straight months – that is an equivalence of time to finish a Master’s degree in some universities. The ASUU/FG feud was only resolved in the last week of December 2020. As the celebrated resumption coincides with the Yuletide, effective resumption was expected in the first week of January until the Federal government ordered all schools to close down until January 18, 2021, for it to observe the spread of COVID-19 and decide what it would do next. This was the same pattern the first lockdown extended over a six-month period as the government continued to extend the period until well into September 2020. With the now widely-known reality about COVID-19, locking up schools on the pretext of a COVID-19 pandemic is, in my opinion, rather counterintuitive. The largest gathering of people – educated and uneducated – is not found in a hall or a school; it is found in the market. Not even the largest political rally can match the size of a city market. So, if markets can open, without any visible prevention protocols, and yet with only a few or no incidents of spread, it is not out of place to suggest that schools can safely open, especially with all the prevention protocols that are already in all schools and which can even be upgraded as the Health Ministry may instruct. There is no arguing the fact that schools are more organized than markets. It is also much easier to explain the dangers and prevention of any diseases/viruses to students and subsequently gain their understanding and cooperation than it is with the largely less educated folks in the marketplaces. Even where students seem uncooperative, they can be whipped into line without much ado. We have already been informed that this coronavirus will be around for a long period of time. It is also a fact that medical researchers and pharmaceutical companies have since been working tirelessly to find effective drugs for viral infection. Pfizer/BioNtech and AstraZeneca-Oxford have already produced and got their respective vaccines approved for mass production and distribution. Given this fact, there is no point to further paralyze the academic system which was probably the greatest loser in the year 2020. Schools – arguably the most adaptable to change – cannot be held as the most vulnerable and therefore locked up purportedly to contain the spread of a disease which, according to experts, would not go anytime soon. This is especially instructive considering the fact that the vast majority of students in this country still receive their education through a face-to-face medium. Our school system still relies much on the brick and mortar classroom.  Even the higher institutions are yet to move close to the real digital classroom. What passes for digital integration in our schools is mere online registration for courses, school fee payment, and the download of some texts. The core of teaching and learning is still fully face-to-face. The only exception is a few private schools – secondary and tertiary. I am not aware of any public schools that have substantially moved their lesson delivery, assignments, and grading online using the latest Learning Management System (LMS). In view of this reality, rather than locking up schools indefinitely, the relevant Ministries should enforce strict compliance with the COVID-19 protocols and deal singly with erring schools. It is therefore my hope that January 18, 2021, the tentative resumption date fixed by the federal government for schools across the country will not be extended on the excuse of the second wave of COVID-19. Schools (obvious students) across all levels have suffered enough and should not be subjected to further hindrance or agony because of a virus whose total cases since February 2020 is still much less than the cases of malaria. Just imagine the number of people who may have died of malaria or other preventable or treatable diseases (since last February) due to their inability to afford the right drugs or, regrettably, the unavailability of the right equipment or medics in our hospitals. It is the responsibility of the government to make our health system truly functional and accessible in a manner that significantly reduces mortality from minor and preventable diseases. God bless Nigeria! Taofeek Ajibade is an education researcher and public affairs analyst. Trained at the International Centre for Educational Evaluation, University of Ibadan, his interests include Digital Classroom, Teacher Competence, Learning improvement, and emotional intelligence. He’s also a member of the Muslim Writers’ Guild of Nigeria (MASQ-NG). Email: taofeeqajibade@gmail.com Twitter: @taofeeekajibade

Featured, Humanity, Opinions

Nigeria, Carnage and Curse: Why This Gory Trend Must Stop!

As humanity continues to be aghast and the media abuzz with the news of the pervasive, wanton killings that are currently bedeviling Nigeria, it is the thrust of this article to assess the ominous development and make a case for why a stop must be put to the gory trends in the country, if truly the citizens genuinely desire to existentially break the jinx of their collective utopia for sustainable peace, security and development. Did our history begin with the curse of Cain? It is a gory tale of murder, assassination and torture in any event. So much blood has been spilled throughout history that the whole world could be painted red with it – with plenty to spare. When will man stop killing his fellow men? When will his thirst for blood ever be quenched? The above thought-provoking questions were raised by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad [who later became the Supreme Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 1982-2003] in the opening paragraph of his master-piece titled Murder in the Name of Allah, written on the heels of the 1953’s Public Disturbance in Pakistan which shut down the 5-year old independent country amidst carnage and curse. More particularly, in his historical novel titled “A Carnage before Dawn”, published online by Okada Books, the author, Ayomide Akinbode, took us on a gory tale of Nigeria’s First Coup D’état which took place in the night of 14-15 January, 1966. Today, over 50 years after the bloody event, it is still the same bloody story of killings, as Nigeria has not known peace and security of lives and properties. Would it be inconsequential to remark, for instance, that the gory tale of bloodbath in the Nigeria’s first Coup D’état did signal an ominous repetition of the history of Cain’s carnage and curse which re-occurred to change the national fate of the nascent independent state of Nigeria, barely 3 years after her 1st republic in 1963? The atrocious event saw the shedding of the blood of Nigeria’s First Prime Minister, the Premiers of the Northern and Western Regions, the Federal Minister of Finance, and most of the senior army officers.Of course, cases of bloodshed had earlier occurred across the three regions of the country, particularly, on the heels of the crises that greeted the 1964’s National Census and the Western Region’s election in 1965. However, considering the ominous effect the above 15th January bloodshed bore on the national destiny of the country, one may conclude that, if bloodletting is both a sin against the God of life and crime against humanity, then the bloodshed was, symbolically, an ominous incident that profaned the Nigerian soil and marked a turning point from humanely giving of life to violently causing of death in the history of Nigeria. Since then, the number of the cases of assassinations, extra-judicial homicides and wanton killings caused by the various recurring political power struggles, electoral crises, ethno-religious conflicts, inter-communal/intra-communal conflicts, vigilante killings, civil war, insurgency, militancy, suicide terrorism, banditry, abduction-for-death killings, armed robberies and alleged killings for ritual purposes etc are as uncountable and unimaginable much as they are dastardly and disturbing.Let us look into few of the notable data. According to Wikipedia, during the two and half years of the 1967-1970’s Nigerian Civil War, there were about 100,000 overall military casualties, while between 500,000 and 2 million Biafran civilians died of starvation. In the same vein, the 1980s were bedeviled by the Maitatsine riots which were a series of violent uprisings instigated by Islamist Muhammad Marwa on December 18, 1980 in Kano and resulted in 4,000 deaths (including Marwa). To jump from the late histories and come closer to the recent ones, the last two decades have arguably been the bloodiest and most disturbing periods in Nigeria as a result of the increased spate of mass killings in the country. Again, captioning on religious violence in Nigeria, Wikipedia also recalls that the events of Abuja in 2000 and Jos in 2001 were riots between Christians and Muslims that took hundreds of lives. Another such riot killed over 100 people in October 2001 in Kano State. In 2002, the Nigerian journalist Isioma Daniel wrote her sarcastic article which led to the demonstrations and violence that caused the deaths of over 200 in Kaduna. Similarly, the reaction to the Mohammed cartoons brought about a series of violent protests in Nigeria. Clashes between rioters and police claimed several lives, with estimates ranging from 16 to more than a hundred. This led to reprisal attacks in the south of the country, particularly in Onitsha. More than a hundred lost their lives. On June 28, 2018, Tribune [Online] published the checklist of killings in Nigeria from 1999 to 2015 released by Femi Adeshina, the Senior Adviser to President Muhammadu Buhari on Media. The list shows 2,500 recorded deaths during the November 20, 1999 Odi killing. Similarly, between February and May 2000, about 5,000 people were killed during riots over Sharia law in different parts of the North. In 2001, hundreds of people, including the old, infirm, women and children were killed in Zaki Biam. Between September 7 and 12, 2001, Jos, Plateau State, erupted in internecine killings. Between 500 and 1,000 people were killed. In 2010, 992 people were again killed in Jos. Just a year after, on 16th May, 2011, Reuters reported Human Right Watch’s record in which more than 800 people were killed and 65,000 displaced in three days of violence following a presidential election in April won by President Goodluck Jonathan. In fact, according to a report titled Ethnic and Religious Crisis in Nigeria, published by ACCORD on 29th August, 2016, between 1999 and 2013, more than 11,000 deaths have occurred in Nigeria. This statistics is however an extremely modest one when compared against the report published on December 12, 2011, by International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law on Nigerians who died outside the law since 1999. According to it, there are over 54, 000 unlawful deaths in


Boko Haram: ‘Western Nations Have Shown Borno More Concern Than Arab Countries,’ Zulum says

In the midst of challenges with the Boko Haram insurgency, countries from the West have shown more concern for the plight of Borno people than rich Arab nations whose people share a similarity of religion and culture with the majority of Borno citizens, Governor Babagana Umara Zulum has said. Zulum stated this on Tuesday in Maiduguri when he received the Palestinian Ambassador to Nigeria, Saleh Fheied Saleh, in Maiduguri. Zulum praised Palestine for being one of the few exceptions, within the Arab community. “I am a practical person. I work with the realities I see on the ground. In the face of our challenges over the years, we have received humanitarian support from the UK and other parts of Europe, the United States, Canada, Japan, and a host of others who has demonstrated concern and has made efforts to support our traumatized citizens in many ways especially on food, medicals, and livelihoods.” “However, that level of concern never came from Arab countries with whom millions of Borno people share a similarity in religion and culture. We even have indigenous shuwa arabs in Borno and this shows how our histories are tied. We have made severe efforts, written and visited embassies of Arab countries, especially those that are rich and not dealing with crises, but obviously, the majority of the Arabs do not care about our situation, neither do they support us. The Arabs have not shown concern to us. Your visit, however, has renewed our hope especially and we are very grateful for your visit” Zulum said. The Palestinian ambassador had informed Zulum of a plan to support the Government of Borno State in some areas of need. “There are a lot of Palestinian companies in Nigeria, they are willing to work with the Borno State Government, we are ready to cooperate with you, we are ready to help in anything you want us to do that we can do,” Amb. Saleh said. The Ambassador also said many Nigerians are currently residing in Palestine, particularly Borno indigenes, some of whom have diligently served the government and people of Palestine. He cited that among Borno people in Palestine, a lady called Fatima Barnawi was once a minister and a police chief.

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President Muhammadu Buhari has joined the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and workers in the country in celebrating the pioneer President of the congress (1978-1984), Alhaji Hassan Adebayo Sunmonu, on his 80th birthday, January 7th, 2021. In a release on 6 January by Femi Adeshina, the Special Adviser to the President (Media and Publicity), the President rejoiced with the former NLC President and his twin brother, Hussein Oyekanmi Sunmonu, on the milestone, saluting their courage for dedicating most of their working life to public service, starting out early in the ’60s as staff of the Ministry of the then Works and Surveys. President Buhari affirms that the former Secretary-General of the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) left a strong legacy in the public service and fought diligently for the welfare of the Nigerian worker, institutionalizing a national minimum wage and minimum pension scheme, and consistently negotiating with public and private sector employers on better packages for workers. As the identical twins turn octogenarians, the President extols their courage and discipline in always accepting to serve the nation, believing that their knowledge and experiences will continue to inspire many into public service and pressure groups, which continue to work with governments in fostering development. President Buhari prays for good health and longer life for Alhaji Sunmonu and his brother, Hussein.

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The Department of State Services (DSS) has alerted the public about plans by some elements working with external forces to incite religious violence across the country.  Targeted States include Sokoto, Kano, Kaduna, Plateau, Rivers, Oyo, Lagos, and those in the South East. In a press release made available to the media on 11 January by its Public Relations Officer, Peter Afunanya, the security service disclosed that part of the plans is to cause inter-religious conflicts as well as use their foot soldiers to attack some worship centres, religious leaders, personalities, key and vulnerable points. It, therefore, advised Nigerians “to be wary of these antics and shun all divisive tendencies aimed at inciting or setting them against one another.” It further warned those hatching these plots to desist from such in the interest of peace, security, and development of the country. “However, law-abiding citizens (and residents) are encouraged to report suspected breaches of peace around them to the nearest security agencies,” it said. The full text of the press release can be read below: PRESS RELEASE PLOTS TO INCITE RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE IN NIGERIA The Department of State Services (DSS) wishes to alert the public about plans by some elements working with external forces to incite religious violence across the country.  Targeted States include Sokoto, Kano, Kaduna, Plateau, Rivers, Oyo, Lagos, and those in the South East. Part of the plans is to cause inter-religious conflicts as well as use their foot soldiers to attack some worship centers, religious leaders, personalities, key, and vulnerable points. Consequently, Nigerians are advised to be wary of these antics and shun all divisive tendencies aimed at inciting or setting them against one another. While the Service pledges to collaborate with sister agencies to ensure that public order is maintained, those hatching these plots are warned to desist from such in the interest of peace, security, and development of the country. However, law-abiding citizens (and residents) are encouraged to report suspected breaches of peace around them to the nearest security agencies. Peter Afunanya, Ph.DPublic Relations Officer,Department of State Services,National Headquarters,Abuja11th January 2021


Ahmadiyya Community Head Addresses Nigeria Branch in Virtual Meeting

His Holiness gives guidance on a wide array of administrative and religious matters On 20 February 2021, the National Majlis-e-Amila (Executive) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Nigeria were granted a virtual official meeting and audience with the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad for the very first time. Also present were the principals of Ahmadiyya Muslim Schools in Nigeria, doctors serving in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Hospitals in Nigeria and Missionaries serving in the country. His Holiness presided the meeting from his office in Islamabad, Tilford, whilst the Amila members joined the meeting virtually from the Lajna Hall in Ojokoro in Lagos, Nigeria. During the almost 60-minute meeting, all present had the opportunity to speak to His Holiness and to receive the guidance and instructions of His Holiness on a range of issues. Speaking to the National Talim Secretary, responsible for the Education of the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Nigeria, His Holiness said that the department should guide Ahmadi Muslim students throughout their education. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “You should form a counselling and guidance committee. The purpose of the committee will be to guide and counsel the students who are secondary school-going students and guide them what further education they can pursue according to the local conditions and the local requirement.” His Holiness also advised the National Tarbiyyat Secretary, the secretary responsible for the moral training of Ahmadi Muslims, to ensure Ahmadi Muslims living in Nigeria were observant of all Islamic teachings. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “Each and every Ahmadi Muslim should be very particular and punctual in offering five times daily prayers, should be very particular in reciting the Holy Quran, should be very punctual and regular and particular in reading some books of Hadith and of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him). You should prescribe some book also for the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community that they can read – those books which have been translated into English – so they can read and know what the purpose of the advent of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) is; what did he say, what does he want from us and how an Ahmadi Muslim should behave.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad further stated: “If the Tarbiyyat department is active and you have done your job appropriately and in the best manner, then quite a number of other departments will run smoothly.” His Holiness also instructed that in each and every chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Nigeria there should be a local missionary and so, His Holiness said, a detailed plan should be made in this regard to outline how to train missionaries to fulfil this target. Furthermore, His Holiness said that every Amila member should commit their time for a two-week Waqf-e-Arzi period whereby the Amila members dedicate their time for helping teach the Holy Quran to the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community or to convey the message of Islam to the wider public. As the meeting concluded, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad prayed for the attendees and said: “As I have already guided some of the secretaries, they should work hard according to my instructions and identify where you are lagging behind and see how you can improve. May Allah the Almighty bless you all.”

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With the gracious approval and blessings of its Supreme Head, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has eventually laid the foundation stone of the Minaret International University, Ikirun, Osun State.The much-anticipated foundation stone laying was performed by the Executive Governor of Osun State, Alhaji Adegboyega Isiaka Oyetola, witnessed by top dignitaries including government officials, traditional rulers, and personalities across the country. Recall that the organization had embarked on the University Project in 2017 with the processing of Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) and documentation with the National Universities Commission. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community known to be a pioneer of Muslim education in Nigeria intends to establish a world-class tertiary institution for the intellectual and manpower development of human resources for sustainable socio-economic development nationally, regionally, and internationally.The University will also focus on environmentally sustainable growth and development of all aspects of agriculture, energy and transportation infrastructure, water and natural resources manufacturing and processing, management sciences, engineering, communication technology, humanities as well as scientific and technological research relevant to global development problems and challenges.Governor Oyetola lauded Ahmadiyya Community for its roles in educational development as well as humanitarian services within the country and across the globe. He believed education and religion are timeless and potent instruments for the development and transformation of society. “The expediency of these two tools is even more compelling today that the society requires moral and ethical rebirth. It is therefore heartening that Minaret International University is combining religion and education to build the character of our youths and help them to acquire knowledge to deliver the future that we desire.“Our Administration considers education and good moral standing as essential tools for building leaders of tomorrow and ensuring sustainable development. In line with the belief of the State that government cannot solely provide the education the State needs, successive governments have encouraged willing individuals and groups to establish schools at all levels. Consequently, Osun is home to top-notch tertiary institutions that are making their contributions to the development of the State and the nation.“The establishment of Minaret International University is a welcome addition to this family. As a notable knowledge-seeking and religion-savvy institution known for its tradition of excellence, I have no doubt that Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at will build a University that is a Centre of excellence in deed and in truth. I am also persuaded that the organization will produce graduates who will be problem solvers and job creators.“Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria has proved over the years to be a frontline Muslim organization in the propagation of the Islamic faith. It has also demonstrated an irredeemable commitment to the peace, progress, and welfare of the people and State of Osun and the nation. These contributions are traceable to the visionary leadership of the organization. “On behalf of the Government and people of Osun, I appreciate the leadership of this notable organization for its services to humanity and the decision to site this University in Osun, which will further expand access to tertiary education and also contribute to the development of our State,” the governor added.The Amir (National Head) of the organization in Nigeria, Barr. Alatoye Folorunso Azeez, in his address, heartily appreciated the good support and neighborliness of the State government and the host Community towards the success of the foundation stone laying event.“We are most grateful to the host Community of Ikirun, the immediate past Akirun of Ikirunland, His Royal Majesty, Late Oba Abdul Rauf Olawale Adedeji II, and the Osun State Government for the strong support to the actualization of this dream. Most importantly, we are very grateful to His Holiness, the worldwide Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at for his kind approval of the University to be sited at Ikirun in Osun State.“MIU is owned by 215 Countries where Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has been formally established. It is the first of its kind globally, innovative University with a difference designed to promote academic excellence, moral discipline, and the spirit of selfless service for the advancement of socio-economic development, the emancipation of the people, and commitment to global cooperation for development and unity of humanity. “The philosophy of MIU is to guard against alcoholism and drug addiction, ensure banishment of cultism, embrace theory and practical/work approach, practical entrepreneurship training, embrace sports, physical fitness and martial arts and strict enforcement of moral discipline. The tuition fees will be moderate and affordable for brilliant students,” Barr. Alatoye stated.



Sunday, 21st March 2021 will no doubt remained a memorable day for Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria as the Amir (National Head), Alhaji (Barr.) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez commissioned a new Mosque and laid the foundation stone of another one at the Apata (Oyo State) branch of the organization. The new Mosque is located at Bembo Area of Aba-Alamu, Apata, Oyo State. The land was donated by Pa Rauf Adekola and the foundation stone was laid on the 19th October 2019 by the then Central Missionary for the region, Maulvi Sadiq Raheem, and Branch President, Alhaji Teslim Oniyide. A total of 109 donors contributed to the construction. The Mosque can conveniently accommodate 75 worshippers at a go. Speaking at the commissioning event, the National Head appreciated the efforts of the donor and contributors towards the quick completion of the Mosque project after the former Mosque was demolished due to road expansion at Bembo Area.“It is a good sign for us all. Let us all strive to contribute financially and spiritually in the way of Allah like the donor who ensured that we establish a place of worship after the former one was affected by road expansion.“Let’s strive to always please God and improve the condition and sizes of our Mosques in order to accommodate more worshippers as much as possible especially during Jumu’ah service,” the Amir said. Foundation Stone Laying of Apata Central Mosque The Amir later proceeded to lay the foundation stone of the new Ultra-Modern Central Mosque at Apata and blessed the project with prayers. The Mosque project, which is being single-handedly sponsored by a family, is a story-building with the ground floor set aside for Car Park. When completed, it will conveniently accommodate hundreds of worshippers at the same time.Barr. Alatoye reiterated the need for all members to reform themselves internally and eschew personal grudges and differences in order to win more converts into Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.“We should always think big on how to expand our Mosques across the country. Also, there is a need to put into practice what we preach to outsiders. Let’s move on from personal grudges and fighting. We will progress and convert many people when we embrace peaceful coexistence.”“Let us always pray for the elevation of all members. It will be a good omen when this happens. Let us look for money in a legit way and contribute meaningfully to the progress of the organization. Let’s imbibe humility and do away with arrogance”, the Amir reiterated.

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Maulvi Nurudeen Okubena By the special grace and mercy of the Almighty Allah, I was privileged to attend the 2018 Jalsa Salana Qadian, India. It was actually my first presence and experience in Qadian, the birthplace of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), the Promised Messiah and founder of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. As an African Missionary leaving the shores of Africa for the first time, I was filled with happiness and a great aspiration to see Qadian. On arriving at Qadian after a journey of several hours on road from New Delhi, and despite witnessing such cold weather for the first time in my life, the sight of Qadian was indeed pleasing and I was more pleased when I saw more than thirty (30) fellow Africans at the Conference with a very high spirit and great enthusiasm to participate in all the Jalsa proceedings. I was exceptionally marvelled with the spirit of brotherhood at the Jalsa and, most especially, with the high spirit of sacrifice displayed by the workers at the Convention; both the young and old were always ready to offer every sacrifice for the comfort of the guests of the Promised Messiah (as). The volunteers on security duties were always there at every moment, even in the extreme cold of the night. May Allah reward them all abundantly. One great thing about Qadian was that everyone meets with cheerfulness and happiness. Most especially when some of our Indian/Pakistani brothers realised that an African Missionary, like myself, could speak and understand the language of the Promised Messiah (as); they all showed great love and affection. Another wonderful scenario I witnessed at Qadian was that, despite the extreme cold weather, you would find people very early in the dawn trooping in large numbers to participate in the Tahajjud (the supererogatory night Prayer). I could remember that while there, I tried on so many occasions to observe prayers at the Mubarak Mosque but on every occasion, I was told the place is filled up; but, I eventually had the opportunity to do so. Alhamdulillāh! It was indeed pleasing to have the opportunity to pray at Baitu Dua, Baitul fikr and several other rooms of the Promised Messiah (as). One surprising fact is the enthusiasm and zeal in every attendee to get an opportunity to pray in these holy rooms, and one could see a feeling of contentment and conviction of acceptance of prayers in the countenance of everyone who had the opportunity of praying there. While in Qadian, considering the distance we traversed to reach there, one thing that always struck my mind was how the message of the Promised Messiah (as) was able to spread from such a remote village to the entire world, it then dawned on me without any iota of doubt that indeed he was a Chosen One of the Almighty Allah. Another striking thing about Qadian is the feeling of tranquillity one experiences while there. One always feels secured in Qadian and even adherents of other faiths who live nearby show a high level of love and affection to all Jalsa attendees. Also, witnessing the attendees at Jalsa who travelled from different parts of the world, I could see the fulfilment of the prophecy vouchsafed to the Promised Messiah that: يأتيك من كل فج عميق That is, “He shall come to you from every far region.” I was able to meet people from virtually all the continents of the world and everyone displayed a great level of love for the other. I was extremely pleased with the various speeches at the event. The facilitators were versatile and learned and the speeches were really soul inspiring. Qadian is a place to be visited by all, to experience the bounty and favours bestowed by Allah to the Imam of the age. May the Almighty Allah give us all the grace to do so. Aameen

For more than one hundred years the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been leading a peaceful revival of Islam. From the time it was founded in India in 1889 it has enjoyed an unrivalled record for peace and for its efforts to build cohesive societies.

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