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The Khalifatul Masih V and Supreme World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) has delivered a faith-inspiring address in which his holiness reported the annual progress and achievements of the Community on August 7th, the second day of the ongoing Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) UK 2021. At around 5pm, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (aa) arrived at the main Jalsa Gah (Convention ground) mounted the podium and conveyed his salaam to everyone. He then delivered his historic address where he highlighted the milestones of the global achievements recorded by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Addressing the thousands of members of the Community at the convention, his holiness said, ‘in this session, I usually recount some of the blessings of Allah the Exalted upon the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, that we see and experience throughout the year. Despite only summaries being prepared of these blessings, I will only be able to present a portion of some of the facts and figures. Establishment of new Chapters [Jamaats]: By the grace of Allah the Exalted, this year, apart from Pakistan, 403 new chapters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community were established. In addition to these new Jamaats, the seed of Ahmadiyyat was planted in 829 locations for the first time, which means that a few or a couple of Ahmadis have entered the Jamaat in those locations. Nigeria is on top of the list of those countries where new Jamaats have been established. There, 89 new Jamaats have been established over the past years. Then, there are other countries of Africa and Europe. With relation to incidents of the establishment of new Jamaats, the missionary-in-charge of São Tomé reports that only three Islands of the country of São Tomé are inhabited. Jamaats have been established in the Islands of São Tomé and Príncipe and mosques have also been constructed there. By the Grace of Allah, this year, the Jamaat was also established on the third Island by the grace of Allah. Our missionaries went there. They preached and as a result of their preaching, ten Christians converted to Islam Ahmadiyyat. It is a small island with a population of less than a hundred. The missionary in Tanzania writes that some of our missionaries went to one of the villages of the country and they preached and propagated the faith. The people in the locality listened to the message of the Community very attentively and 60 people entered the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Upon this, the local imam phoned them and said that your people are coming here and creating disorder and people from amongst my community are entering the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The imam started arguing with the local Ahmadi missionary and he said, what are you doing, trying to convert people from my locality? Because of course, the Muslim clerics are always concerned about losing their people as they earn their bread through those people. So, our Ahmadi missionary started preaching to that imam. As a result of the debate with the local imam, the people gathered there and started listening to the debate and thirty further people entered into the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. That Sunni imam is sitting in his mosque idle because only a handful of people come to his mosque, whereas hundred or close to hundred people have formed a new chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on that area and the nizam of the Community is established. In Guinea Conakry, the clerics of the Islamic League had threatened the local people of a village with regard to Ahmadis, saying that Ahmadis were disbelievers, God forbid. They said that Ahmadis did not have any relation with Islam and so people should not listen to them. However, when the message of the Promised Messiah (as) was preached to them and they were told of the prophecies related to the Latter-Day Messiah and Imam Mahdi, the entire village along with the local imam accepted Ahmadiyyat. The system of the Jamaat has now been established there. However the clerics of the Islamic organisation kept threatening the local villagers, they said that they had found new pleasure in their prayers, which they were unaware of before accepting Ahmadiyyat and that they would remain steadfast on this path. Establishment of new Mosques: In terms of the establishment of new mosques, which includes mosques that the Jamaat constructed as well as those that came into the possession of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community during the year, their number is 211. Ghana is on top of the list with most mosques being constructed there. Then, there are also other countries. In Belize, the first Ahmadiyya mosque has been constructed, which spans over an area of two acres and has a capacity of 220 worshippers. Its foundation was laid in December 2019. It is a very beautiful mosque. It has a mission house, the missionary’s office, a library as well as a guest room. There are two highways that go out from Belize City, one going towards Mexico and the other one towards Guatemala. This Noor Mosque is located on the highway that goes towards Guatemala. It is located at a distance of two miles from the city’s centre. After the mosque in Guatemala, this is the second purpose-built mosque of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Central America. For the construction of this mosque, three brothers from Canada went there to volunteer. They also participated considerably in the construction of another mosque in Canada. These are Mansoor Sahib, Manzoor Sahib, Fareed Sahib and Mudassir Sahib. In any case, they went to Belize and worked towards the construction of the mosque. At first, the construction was estimated to cost 2.5 million US dollars. In the end, it only cost 125,000 US dollars as a result of these voluteers’ efforts. The local people also offered significant sacrifices for this project. In Zion, in the United States of America, there was a plan to construct a monument. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Zion wanted to make a

Featured, Humanity

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat of Nigeria Statement on Nigeria @ 61

The entire members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria thank Almighty Allah for the survival of Nigeria as a country and its people to date. We rejoice with Nigerians home and abroad on the celebration of the 61st independence anniversary. The Jama’at salutes the fighting spirits of Nigerians in the face of daunting challenges in the socio-economic, political and technological spheres. Let me make it abundantly clear that Islam as a religion has no room for terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, the ritual killing of human being, extortion of any kind or any act of wickedness against another fellow human being especially the aged, women and children. It is rather regrettable that despite the abundance human and material resources at our disposal, the country is wallowing in abject poverty, unemployment and under development due to lack of value system. Accordingly, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria urge Nigerians and government to renew our faith in the unity of purpose, peaceful coexistence and progress of the country. Pointedly, we are calling for political solutions to all agitations from contending groups. We believe if there is justice devoid of pretence and deceits, we are stronger as a country than smaller units. We advise our President, General Muhammadu Buhari GCFR, as a father for all to call all leaders of the agitators, some opinion leaders and leading traditional rulers to a crucial meeting to fashion the best peaceful and meaningful way forward. This needs to be done as urgently as possible. The Jama’at is equally worried over political developments in the country towards the build up to the 2023 general elections especially assassinations and attempted assassinations. We call on political parties to resolve their differences through an internal resolution mechanism. Politics should be taken as service to the people and not as a business of seizing power to make money through do-or-die means. Specifically, we advise that the electoral law under review should be looked at from transparent, reliable and beneficial ways. We join the call for the electronic transmission of election results in the interest of fair play and the best utilization of technology. The Jama’at noticed the spirited efforts of the government to tackle insecurity across the land. We believe the perpetrators of evil and crimes against humanity must be named, shamed, and face the wrath of the law.We pray fervently for a new order and more prosperous years ahead for Nigeria. Signed Alatoye Folorunso AzeezAmir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat of Nigeria

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By Al-Hafiz Yunus Omotayo Islam, derived from “salm” – a word meaning peace, denotes submission to the will of Allah to engender a life in peace with oneself, with one’s Creator, fellow humans and the world. “Verily, the true religion in the sight of Allāh is submission” (Qurān, 3:20). As a divinely-inspired human institution, the term “al-dīn al-islāmi” translates to the Islamic way of life (sīrah), of religion (millah), of law (sharīah), culture (ādah), judgement (qadhā), governance (hukm) and rule (mulk). Islam emerged on the global scene in the seventh century A.D. as a world religion (Qurān, 25:2) and a recrystallization of the ancient Mesopotamian abd Abrahamic family of religious traditions (Qurān, 5:16; 22:79). As a sharīah, an ideology and social order, it proclaims a mission that seeks to actualise what it christens as ihyā al-ardh ba’da mautihaa i.e. a revolutionary renaissance of the cosmos, of all ramifications of human intellectual, religious, social, economic and political existence (Qurān, 57:18). Likewise, it envisions a globalization of the world order of Allāh on earth (Qurān, 61:10) and a realization of both terrestrial and celestial paradisiacal existence for the human race (Qurān, 55:47). Recognising the weak nature inherent in humanity (Qurān, 4:29), Islam sets about to define and explain the meaning, essence and purpose of human life and to structure and guide all manifestations of man’s existence in order to enable him attain his rightful status of a being created in the image of God and to live a peaceful and prosperous life here and the Hereafter. Muhammad bin Abdullah (saw), the Holy Prophet of Islam, who is represented as the Seal of the Prophets (Qurān, 33:41), is the recipient of the Holy Qurān (Qurān, 25:2), the Divine Scripture of Islam, which embodies the fundamentals and, in some cases, the details of the theological teachings, the legal doctrines and legislations and the socio-political and economic principles and systems of Islam (Qurān, 16:90). In the 23-year span of his prophetic mission at Makkah and Madīnah, Prophet Muhammad (saw), through his Sunnah (Practice), proffered divinely-sanctioned model conception s, interpretations and applications of the Qurānic teachings and worldview for the the Muslims (Qurān, 33:22). Islam represents itself as Dīn Allāh – the religion of Allāh (Qurān, 110:3), as Dīn al Hanif – the primordial religion of man, and as Dīn al Fitrah – the natural religion or the religion that is natural to the human nature and essence (Qurān, 30:31). This conceptualisation enshrines Islam as a trans-human ideological order and system and a civilizational movement whose mandate is to invite to and construct for man a cosmic order that follows and fulfills Allāh’s tripartite intentions for bringing about human existence on earth: the intention that man should establish the worship of and servitude to the Divine [ibādatullāh] (Qurān, 51:53); that he should acquire and exert his rightful status of being God’s vicegerent on earth [Khalīfatullāh fil-ardh] (Qurān, 2:31); and as a corollary to the above, that he may populate the earth and explore, exploit, organise and usufruct the available human and cosmic resources to construct a robust and glorious human civilization on earth [isti’mār fil-ardh] (Qurān, 11:62). Islam, whose simple, humane, comprehensive and universal teachings are constructed upon the intrinsic values of human brotherhood, peace, love, understanding and respect, is decreed to be globalised, not localised; to be followed, not to follow; and to dominate and predominate, not to be dominated. Today, with over 1.8 billion followers, Islam is the second largest but the fastest growing religion in the world.

Featured, Opinions

Signs I Witnessed: Restoring life to the dead!

By Tamim Abu DaqqaAhmadi Muslim Scholar By the end of 2013, my mother had suffered horrible pains due to cancer. Her condition had deteriorated that we had to call my brothers abroad to be with her in her last days or moments, especially since all the physical signs had shown obviously that the end of my beloved mother was close. During those critical days, it happened that I was supposed to travel to the UK for ‘Alhiwar Almubashir’ (The Live Dialogue) TV program on MTA (Muslim Television Ahmadiyya). Though I’m a regular panelist in this program, I hadn’t presented previously any excuses for not attending the program, nor had asked Huzur (Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Fifth Khalifa of the Promised Massiah, the Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Community) for the permission to stay with my mother, whose health had reached the irreversible stage of multiple organ failure. Despite all, I decided to travel entrusting myself to Allah Almighty. I told my mother about my decision, and also told her that, if she didn’t want me to travel, I would cancel the flight and would do what was needed to stay with her.  She said: ’Go, trust Allah’. I had visited her on the eve of my flight to the UK to say goodbye, thinking that I would never see her again. I told myself that it might be Allah’s will to have mercy on me, and not to suffer witnessing her death and burial. My attitude seemed inexplicable to many: my brothers had come back from abroad, then, I wanted to leave! I had kept contacting my brothers and sisters till the last moment before the plane took off. They said she had been suffering what seemed agony of death, although she had few short moments of consciousness. As I arrived at Heathrow Airport, I immediately phoned my family to check out my mother. They informed me she has become closer to death. That restless situation, the phone calls, the tension, and the fear of the inevitable end had made me concerned to the extent that I had forgotten my hand luggage with my passports as well in the trolley without noticing- as I was still on the phone when I rode the car – till I reached my residence. I restored this bag miraculously the next day (This is another remarkable story that I will tell later). Huzur (May Allah be his helper) had been informed about the deteriorated condition of my mother. He blamed me in my first meeting with him for traveling and said that I should have stayed with her. I told him that I had asked her and she preferred that I would not quit the honor of Jihad even at those critical last moments of her life. Then, by the end of my visit, and before my flight back to Jordan, I had met Huzur (May Allah be his Helper) again. We both spoke in English in the meeting, He said with kindness: How is the “Walidah” (a very respective way of mentioning the mother, which is an Arabic word and became an Urdu word too). I replied, ‘Huzur, she is in the terminal state! I meant that she is leaving us any time soon, based on what I had been told by my brothers and the medical reports. However, I had felt that it was not appropriate to be sure about the death of any person based on the apparent physical causes that do not bind Allah’s will Who owns life and death. Then, clarifying, I said: “But, if it is Allah’s decree to revive her, that is another issue…” At that moment I felt that Huzur (May Allah be his Helper) was looking at me with a special glorified divine look. He didn’t talk and I, too, kept silent. I felt that Allah Almighty’s decree had fulfilled something. It was a very special moment! Before leaving London, I had phoned my brothers and sisters. They said she was alive and that she slightly looked a little better. I had flown back to Amman post-midnight. So, I had to visit her the next morning. The next morning, my brothers told me that the doctors had discharged her. So, instead of going to the hospital, I went to the family home. A few minutes after my arrival, the ambulance had dropped her home. She seemed better. I left her to rest and, then, talked to her. She cried as she told me about the remarkable vision she had seen during her last day in the hospital. “I saw an angel roaming around in the room. The angel stopped at my bed. I felt that he has come to take me. So, I recited the Shahada (I bear witness There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God). Then, I heard loud voices of many people screaming my name. Thereafter, I heard a voice saying: ‘Prophet Mohammed is here!” “I looked and it was the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him). He waved to the angel, ordering him to stop. Then, the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him) grabbed my right sleeve pulling me upwards as if he was helping me to stand up, and told me: “Your son Tamim saved you, he loves Allah and His Prophet.” “Then, the scene faded and I got better as you can see now”. She had never stopped crying as she was asking my brothers to follow what I follow i.e. to believe in the truth of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Massiah and Mahdi (Peace be upon Him), and embrace the Ahmadiyya community. Although she signed Bai’at long years ago, and she had believed in the truthfulness of Ahmadiyya ever since after she had seen a clear dream, but I think that Allah Almighty wanted to keep her faith firmer. She told all the people who had visited her about this vision, and

Featured, Humanity


Courtesy visits Obaladi of Afon to Amir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria, Alhaji (Barr) Alatoye Folorunso AbdulAzeez at National Headquarters, Ojokoro, Lagos. With Obaladi Babade, Missionary Ikumapayi Abdul Jelili; Circuit Missionary Afon, Babade Yusuf; Missionary Bankole Jamiu, Circuit Missionary Ayetoro, and Bro Omidokun Abdul Lateef, Circuit President, Afon.



The Formal Commissioning of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria Central Mosque and Ahmadiyya Nursery and Primary School, Oke-Ore, Owode Circuit, Ogun State. The Amir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria, Alh (Barr) Alatoye Folorunso AbdulAzeez, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah, Alhaji Adeoye AbdulWaheed Akanji; Former Naib Amir Special Duties, Alh (Engr) Ahmed Al-Hassan; Circuit President, Owode, Alh. Ajibade; Circuit President, Ota, Bro. Salman; Naib Sadr Admin, Alhaji Raji Dauda; Engr. Aziz Shonibare, Chairman, Building Committee, Coordinator Zone 2, Ustaz Shoboyede, Chief Imam Oke Ore Central Mosque, and others, during the commissioning of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria Central Mosque and Ahmadiyya Nursery and Primary School, Oke-Ore, Owode Circuit, Ogun State on Saturday, January 29th, 2022.



Al-Hafiz Yunus OmotayoJournalist, Missionary of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria, and Chairman, Muslim Writers Guild of Nigeria. (E-mail: al-hafiz@thetruth.ng) An array of both immediate and remote factors stimulated this piece. On February 1, 2022, Amnesty International released a damning report titled “Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and crime against humanity.” The investigation details how Israel enforces a system of oppression and domination against the Palestinian people wherever it has control over their rights. This includes Palestinian living in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OTP), as well as displaced refugees in other countries. (1) Particularly, the comprehensive report sets out how massive seizures of Palestinian land and property, unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians are all components of a system which amounts to apartheid under international law. This system is maintained by violations that Amnesty International found to constitute apartheid as a crime against humanity, as defined in the Rome Statute and Apartheid Convention. (2) Remotely, over the centuries, particularly, both the 20th and the 21st, the Middle Eastern Israeli-Palestinian region has been a hotbed of incessant inter-racial, inter-religious and international crises, conflicts and wars the ominous impacts of which have not only continued to bedevil the socio-political conditions and landscapes of the region, but have also polarized the larger world with resultant jeopardy to global peace and harmony. Historically, the bone of contention in the Israeli-Palestinian crisis initially was: who are the rightful aboriginal owners of the Holy Land of Palestine: the native Arab Palestinians or the Jews? The debates, the crises and the wars on this question spanned the centuries, in fact, the millennia, which preceded the modern 20th century. Then, during the course of some historical moves made by certain Euro-American powers backing the Zionist movement from roughly the late 19th to almost mid-20th centuries, the issue shifted to: why should or should not the Jews in the Diaspora be re-settled and granted statehood in the Holy Land? Subsequently, since the Euro-American sponsored UN’s creation of the State of Israel in 1948 till date, the incessant crises and wars have been revolving around not only the issue of: why should or should not the Arab Palestinians be granted autonomous statehood status in the Holy Land, but also: what geographical area should or should not the boundary of such a state cover? This is the crux of the monster. Importantly, “the essence of this case”, as Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad [rta] maintained, “is that a conspiracy of the Western powers, in which the defunct League of Nations and subsequently its successor, the United Nations actively participated and the government of Britain and the U.S. played the pivotal role, resulted in the emergence of a Jewish state in Palestine which no standard of justice, international law, or the Charter of the United Nations would have sanctioned. They could not have moved a step towards the creation of Israel without the active connivance of these powers. Anyhow, this fateful decision was taken and, ever since, this region has been a scene of armed conflicts and a hotbed of international intrigues.” [3] Observably, one emerging fact from the above is what Professor Ismail Raji Al-faruqi referred to as a “three-cornered affair, involving the Muslim World, Western Christendom and the Jews.” [4] However, there is no gainsaying the fact that none of the three worlds locked in the crisis can be seen to have been pathetically victimized and bedeviled by its devastating consequences much more than the Muslim-dominated Palestinian camp. Little wonder that Al-Faruqi further starkly declared that “the problem of Israel confronting the Muslim World today has neither precedent nor parallel in Islamic history. The Muslim World has tended to regard it as another instance of modern colonialism, or at best, as a repetition of the Crusades. The difference is not that Israel is neither one of these; but that it is both and more, much more.” [5] Notably, the past decades have seen a number of failed peace processes initiated by the Superpowers as well as numerous never-to-be-implemented UN’s resolutions on the crisis. Woeful developments which many observers believe are largely due to the fact that their initiators are themselves the masterminds of, and complicit in, the whole monster. Similarly, the decades of Palestinians’ strategic resort to suicide bombings or martyrdom operations have merely always left the Palestinians with greater devastating consequences. Now, as the conundrum further exacerbates and the Palestinians stand at a crossroad where future prospect seems almost not foreseeable, the self-imposing questions confronting the Palestinians, in particular, and the global Muslim world, in general, are: Why has Palestinians’ continuous looking towards the Western or Eastern Superpowers or the UN for solution failed to bring about the dire freedom? What should be the ultimate move? By highlighting the Palestinians’ and Muslim world’s neglected obligation, this piece interrogates and recommends the missing link in the struggle towards actualizing the freedom of the Palestinians. The Age-Long Most Disputed Land of Palestine The land of Palestine, located in the Middle East, witnessed the first recorded form of civilization in human history in the city of Jericho which was established ten thousand years ago. Ever since it was inhabited by the Canaanites and the sea immigrants named Philistines who integrated with them later on. [6] The land, previously known as the land of Canaan, took the name of the new settlers and came to be known as Palestine. [7] Prophet Ibrahim [Abraham] came to this land around the year 1900 B.C.; in narrating this story the Torah called the area “the Land of Canaan”, admitting the existence of a civilization on the land prior even to the coming of Prophet Ibrahim, the great grandfather of Arabs and Jews. His grandson, Yaqoob [Jacob or Israel], from whom Jews descended migrated with his children from the land of Canaan to Egypt, where they stayed until 1250 B.C. in which Moses took them to the Holy Land.[8] The history of

Featured, Welfare


Humanity First Nigeria, with funding support from Humanity First Canada, joined the Women Servants of Allah in Lajnah Immaillah Nigeria to conduct thirty free cataract eye surgeries in Abeokuta. Humanity First International manages the global gift of sight campaign through the organization of eye surgery outreaches worldwide. The recent expedition was held at the State Hospital Abeokuta Ogun State on the 24th and 31st of May 2022. Six eyeglasses were also given to indigent patients whose eyesight disorder did not warrant surgical interventions. The selection process for the beneficiaries was conducted using Google forms data submission, screening, and selection of the best-suited candidates for surgery from 70 applications. The beneficiaries included 20 females(amongst which was a 12-year-old girl), and 10 Adult males ranging from ages 17 to 86. The free eye cataract operations was highly appreciated by the beneficiaries. It was part of activities commemorating the Centenary celebrations of Lajnah Immaillah worldwide. Gift of Sight Photo Gallery



Condemns Owo Massacre in Strong Terms It was a huge landmark and historic day on Sunday, 19th June 2022 as the National Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria, Barr. Alatoye Folorunso AbdulAzeez commissioned an Ultra-Modern Central Mosque at Ajagamibo Avenue, Aradagun Badagry in Lagos State.The worship centre was built with state-of-the-art facilities, tiled both within and outside, embedded with good-looking minarets, and surrounded by attractive flowers in a serene and spacious environment. Named ‘Baitul-Fatah Mosque’, the place of worship can easily accommodate over 600 worshippers at once. The foundation of the Mosque was first laid in October 1980 by the then head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Nigeria, His Eminence Ajmal Shaheed Ahmad. The foundation stone was re-laid on Saturday 19th February 2022 by the Badagry Branch President of the Muslim Organization, Pa. M.B Okubena. Hence the mosque project was completed in a record four-month. The Mosque was built and donated by one of the blessed families of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – the Popoola family in honor of their late father Alhaj Abdul Fatah Atanda Popoola who was a staunch and devoted member till his demise in 1982. In his address, the National Head of the Muslim organization lauded the initiatives of the Popoola family, stressing the importance of Mosque building and its aftermath rewards in the hereafter. He added that all places of worship must be sacred centres void of evil acts. Alhaji Alatoye further admonished worshippers to always have pure and sincere minds when observing prayers in Mosques as this is pleased with Almighty God. “The rewards for building Mosques in honor of our late loved ones are in multitudes.  It is a life-time reward.  The initiative of the Popoola family is hereby commendable”. “We must worship in the Mosque with our hearts filled with love, kindness, and piety.  Everything we do in the Mosque must be Godly.  May Allah accepts our sincere prayers,” he prayed. Owo Massacre highly condemnable Alhaji Alatoye also used the opportunity to, once again, condemn in strong terms, the brutal attack on worshippers at St. Francis Catholic Church, Owo in Ondo State. He stated: “It is difficult to believe any group of individuals could have the audacity to attack a place of worship filled with human beings who were gathered to worship God, the Almighty. This is the peak of an affront against God and man that will never go unpunished.  There is no absolutely no justification whatsoever for any group of people to engage themselves in such a callous and dastard act.” “Even in the face of a defensive response to an act of war, the Holy Quran expressly forbids believers from attacking places of worship, children, women, and priests.” The Amir further informed that the youths of the organization joined others in donating blood to the surviving victims of the barbaric attacks. He thus urged the police force to fish out all the perpetrators and their masterminds and made them to face the full wrath of the law for their devilish acts.



Nurudeen Akinreti Following the gracious approval of the worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (May Allah be his Helper), the new board for The Truth newspaper was inaugurated recently. The inauguration was anchored by the Amir (National Head) of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria, Alhaji (Barr.) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez was held at the Conference Hall of the organization in Ojokoro, Lagos State with all the new members in attendance (both physically and online). The names of the new Board members, as approved by His Holiness are Mr. Abdul Wahab Matepo (Board Chairman), Mr. Ishaq Popoola (Editor), Mr. Ismail Abdul Quadri (Board Secretary), Muallim Abubakar Abdul Hadi, Mr. Nurudeen Akinreti, Mr. Ajibade Taofeek, Mr. Bayo Issa Ewuoso, Muallim Qasim Oyekola, Muallim Yunus Omotayo and Mrs. Muslimah Okunnu-Adebisi. Among various terms of reference, the new board has been saddled with the responsibilities of regular newspaper publication in line with the ethics of internationally-recognized standard journalism; holding regular board meetings and recovering all sales proceeds to sustain continuous production. Barr. Alatoye urged the new board to live up to the expectations of members of the Jama’at on the newspaper and carry out His Holiness assignment with utmost diligence, proper planning, and organization. He also emphasized the need for the new team to reposition The Truth Newspaper which will ultimately ensure its sustainability.  The Amir advised the leadership, management team, and staff members of the newspaper to rise to the occasion and carry out their duties with a sense of humility and dedication. The Jama’at’s National Publications Secretary, Alh Mudathir Dada promised to support the Board in every way possible to achieve its objectives. Responding on behalf of Board members, Bro Abdulwahab Matepo expressed appreciation to the Jama’at Management for finding them worthy to revive Nigeria’s first Muslim newspaper. He promised that the Board would strive to make The Truth attractive as well as a dependable source of information and enlightenment to both the Muslim and non-Muslim community. He solicited prayers and for the support of the Jama’at at all levels to meet the expectations of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah be his Helper) Also in attendance were: the Naib Amir Finance and Administration, Alhaji Mufadhil Bankole as well as AMJN Publication Secretary, Alhaji Mudaththir Dada.

For more than one hundred years the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been leading a peaceful revival of Islam. From the time it was founded in India in 1889 it has enjoyed an unrivalled record for peace and for its efforts to build cohesive societies.

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