The Khalifatul Masih V and Supreme World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) has delivered a faith-inspiring address in which his holiness reported the annual progress and achievements of the Community on August 7th, the second day of the ongoing Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) UK 2021. At around 5pm, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (aa) arrived at the main Jalsa Gah (Convention ground) mounted the podium and conveyed his salaam to everyone. He then delivered his historic address where he highlighted the milestones of the global achievements recorded by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Addressing the thousands of members of the Community at the convention, his holiness said, ‘in this session, I usually recount some of the blessings of Allah the Exalted upon the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, that we see and experience throughout the year. Despite only summaries being prepared of these blessings, I will only be able to present a portion of some of the facts and figures. Establishment of new Chapters [Jamaats]: By the grace of Allah the Exalted, this year, apart from Pakistan, 403 new chapters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community were established. In addition to these new Jamaats, the seed of Ahmadiyyat was planted in 829 locations for the first time, which means that a few or a couple of Ahmadis have entered the Jamaat in those locations. Nigeria is on top of the list of those countries where new Jamaats have been established. There, 89 new Jamaats have been established over the past years. Then, there are other countries of Africa and Europe. With relation to incidents of the establishment of new Jamaats, the missionary-in-charge of São Tomé reports that only three Islands of the country of São Tomé are inhabited. Jamaats have been established in the Islands of São Tomé and Príncipe and mosques have also been constructed there. By the Grace of Allah, this year, the Jamaat was also established on the third Island by the grace of Allah. Our missionaries went there. They preached and as a result of their preaching, ten Christians converted to Islam Ahmadiyyat. It is a small island with a population of less than a hundred. The missionary in Tanzania writes that some of our missionaries went to one of the villages of the country and they preached and propagated the faith. The people in the locality listened to the message of the Community very attentively and 60 people entered the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Upon this, the local imam phoned them and said that your people are coming here and creating disorder and people from amongst my community are entering the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The imam started arguing with the local Ahmadi missionary and he said, what are you doing, trying to convert people from my locality? Because of course, the Muslim clerics are always concerned about losing their people as they earn their bread through those people. So, our Ahmadi missionary started preaching to that imam. As a result of the debate with the local imam, the people gathered there and started listening to the debate and thirty further people entered into the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. That Sunni imam is sitting in his mosque idle because only a handful of people come to his mosque, whereas hundred or close to hundred people have formed a new chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on that area and the nizam of the Community is established. In Guinea Conakry, the clerics of the Islamic League had threatened the local people of a village with regard to Ahmadis, saying that Ahmadis were disbelievers, God forbid. They said that Ahmadis did not have any relation with Islam and so people should not listen to them. However, when the message of the Promised Messiah (as) was preached to them and they were told of the prophecies related to the Latter-Day Messiah and Imam Mahdi, the entire village along with the local imam accepted Ahmadiyyat. The system of the Jamaat has now been established there. However the clerics of the Islamic organisation kept threatening the local villagers, they said that they had found new pleasure in their prayers, which they were unaware of before accepting Ahmadiyyat and that they would remain steadfast on this path. Establishment of new Mosques: In terms of the establishment of new mosques, which includes mosques that the Jamaat constructed as well as those that came into the possession of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community during the year, their number is 211. Ghana is on top of the list with most mosques being constructed there. Then, there are also other countries. In Belize, the first Ahmadiyya mosque has been constructed, which spans over an area of two acres and has a capacity of 220 worshippers. Its foundation was laid in December 2019. It is a very beautiful mosque. It has a mission house, the missionary’s office, a library as well as a guest room. There are two highways that go out from Belize City, one going towards Mexico and the other one towards Guatemala. This Noor Mosque is located on the highway that goes towards Guatemala. It is located at a distance of two miles from the city’s centre. After the mosque in Guatemala, this is the second purpose-built mosque of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Central America. For the construction of this mosque, three brothers from Canada went there to volunteer. They also participated considerably in the construction of another mosque in Canada. These are Mansoor Sahib, Manzoor Sahib, Fareed Sahib and Mudassir Sahib. In any case, they went to Belize and worked towards the construction of the mosque. At first, the construction was estimated to cost 2.5 million US dollars. In the end, it only cost 125,000 US dollars as a result of these voluteers’ efforts. The local people also offered significant sacrifices for this project. In Zion, in the United States of America, there was a plan to construct a monument. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Zion wanted to make a