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Author name: Admin

Featured, Opinions

Apooyin Family Donates Second Mosque to Ahmadiyya

The family of Alhaji Abdul Fatah Kareem Apooyin has donated a new Mosque to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria.  The Mosque is located at Apooyin Village, Omi-Adio, Ibadan, Oyo State. Amir (Head) of the Muslim Organization, Dr. Mashhud Adenrele Fashola commissioned the place of worship, with several dignitaries both from within and outside the Jama’at in attendance. It would be recalled that the family built and donated Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Central Mosque Omi-Adio a few years ago.  The family also plan to donate a three-bedroom mission house to the Jama’at after completion. Dr. Fashola led the first ever Juma’at prayer at the new Mosque and discussed at length, on the purpose of man’s existence, mosque building, and means of seeking nearness to Almighty Allah. Amir warned members not to be worldly and materialistic but be prayerful, truthful, steadfast and be cheer giver in the way of Allah at all times.  He urged members to be regular in Salat with full concentration and reflect on the teachings and lessons contained in the Holy Quran. Speaking on the topic: “Importance and Blessings of Mosque Building,” the Missionary Incharge, Maulvi Afzaal Ahmad Rauf emphasized that the main objective of building Mosque is to fully engage in the remembrance of Almighty Allah and if this is not achieved, then all the resources put together become wasted. He stated that another reason for Mosque building is for Muslims to gather themselves in the place of worship in order to promote unity and brotherhood among one another. “Relationship with Allah is not satisfactory hence members are going backward day by day in moral and spiritual aspects.  The Mosque should bring about the much needed moral and spiritual change in our lives,” Maulvi Ahmad Rauf noted. The senior cleric further requested all donors of Mosques to refrain from wrongdoings if they aim to derive maximum benefits from Mosque building. He added: “It is also the responsibility of the donors and members of the local Jama’at and Circuit to ensure that true believers worship in the Mosque, and the mosque should never remain empty.” Maulvi Ahmad Rauf thus called on Jama’at members to strive and build Mosques in every streets and region where there are five to ten (10) houses in order for all Muslims to enjoy congregational prayers. The Chief Imam of Omi-Adio, Alhaji Abdul Lateef Abiola in his speech commended Apooyin family for the Mosque building and opined that the place of worship has really publicized the community.  According to him, the new Mosque was a huge blessing to all members of the community. Dr. Omoyele, President of Omi-Adio branch of Ahmadiyya Community appreciated the presence of important personalities who graced the occasion and informed that the branch has a lot of Mosque building in progress. Other dignitaries who attended the commissioning include: the General Secretary AMJN, Alhaji Abbas O. Iromini; Sadr (Head) Majlis Ansarullah Nigeria (Elders wing), Alhaji (Engr.) Abdul Waheed Adeoye; the National Finance Secretary, Alhaji Abdul Ganiyu Idris and the Jalsa Officer, Alhaji Mufadhil Bankole.

Featured, Opinions

Depression: The Islamic Prescription

Depression is a medical condition or a mood disorder that is characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness, loss of interest in activities, insomnia, unintentional weight loss or gain, poor academic grade, loss of appetite.Being in a state of depression is not exactly the same as feeling gloomy. Feeling sad could be after the loss of something or someone precious, losing a competition, or simply not achieving a set goal. Depression, on the other hand, has to do with a persistent and consistent feeling of being down and gloomy. Before an individual can be termed as depressed, the feeling should continue for at least two weeks. This is to ascertain that it is not a particular matter that is on a person’s mind. Depression and Bipolar Disorder are two sides of a coin that people often mistake one for the other. Depression is unipolar, which means that there is no up period in the episodes, but Bipolar Disorder includes episodes of excess energy. While a depressed person is sluggish, has no interests in doing rigorous activities, and wants to stay in bed all day, a person with Bipolar Disorder is hyperactive and is always engaged in energy exerting activities. They are two extremes of the same rope. There are different causes of depression, which range from changes in neural circuit activity, genetics, type of personality of the individual, environmental factors, psychological and social factors. A person’s personality and outlook towards life can cause depression. If an individual has low self-esteem, such an individual would be affected deeply by social changes and unacceptance from neighbors, friends, and family. This would make them sink into a depressed state of mind. Also, social factors like continuous exposure to violence and abuse can make people, especially children not strong psychologically and affect self-esteem. It makes them more vulnerable and prone to heartbreaks.Life can be a reason for an individual to be depressed. Some people are not mentally strong enough to understand and process the tides of life event and are plunged into depression when they experience it. A childhood trauma like rape, abuse, a life-threatening disease, or trouble making friends are sure ingredients for craving loneliness, being moody, and having suicidal thoughts.Whether male or female, young or old, depression affects anyone no matter the age. It could set in early in life or later due to some circumstances. However, or wherever it may set in, there are different ways in which one can treat depression. It can be through talk therapy or taking medication. This proves that depression is a medical issue and not a metaphysical weapon to destroy people.Islam is a perfect religion. It is the path that Allah has set for anyone who wants to attain paradise. Allah says in Q 5:4 that “…I have perfected your religion this day, and completed my favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion…”.Islam has solutions to all problems. Among the cures that Allah has provided for mankind is the black seed. A tradition of the prophet (saw) goes thus that “take the black seed regularly. It is a cure for all diseases except death”. A major cause of depression is the segregation and exclusion of people in society. A child can easily get depressed if such a child does not feel loved or accepted among his peers, at school, home, or in the family. A verse of the Holy Quran, Q 4:37 states that “Serve Allah, and join not with Him any partner, and do good to parents and kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (traveller), and those whom your right hand possess; for Allah loves not those who are arrogant”.A tradition of the Prophet (saw) states that “the person who breaks the bond of kinship will not enter paradise”. This verse and hadith are proof that Allah has enjoined on man goodness to his family and neighbors, and has enjoined mankind to be kind one another.Adherents of Islam are required to treat everybody they meet with kindness, and this ensures that people around them will not feel left out or hurt. Greeting people and smiling are some of the kindest gestures which can help alleviate anxiety. A hadith translates, “Do not disdain a good deed, no matter how small it is, even if it is meeting your brother with a cheerful face”. (Sahih Muslim). The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at preaches ‘Love for all, hatred for none’. This advocate for peace in the world. A fundamental aspect of peace is to care for people. A tradition of the prophet states that “none of you is a true believer till he loves for his brother, what he loves for himself”. Wanting the good for friends and neighbours amount to caring and praying for them. When someone is in need, it is our duty as Muslims to help in every way possible. With this, people do not feel left out, and even when an individual has depression, there would be the love to help bring the person out of it. Children, who have been exposed to trauma, child abuse, and harsh words have the tendency to be depressed. Islam cautions one from the use of harsh words. “Do not speak with a statement for which you may have to apologize tomorrow”, (Ibn Majah). The above hadith buttresses the use of kind and healthy words to soothe people. When people are conscious of what they say, they become conscious of how their words affect others. Islam is a religion of brotherhood, where everybody is supposed to care for the growth of the Ummah, and the betterment of the adherents. From checking up on one’s neighbours, to helping out physically, spiritually, financially, and helping them grow, no one is left behind. In such a religion that seeks to integrate humanity into a family structure, every adherent should take it upon themselves to help anyone in need.

Featured, From The Markaz, Opinions

Ahmadiyya Head Moves to New Headquarters in Islamabad

The worldwide head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad ( May the peace and blessings of Allah be on him) moved earlier this afternoon from London to the new Jamaat Markaz (headquarters) in Tilford, Surrey, to the land that is fittingly named Islamabad. Huzooraa had indicated in his Friday Sermon delivered on 12 April that he would soon be moving from London to Islamabad. This historic moment came on Monday, 15 April 2019, immediately after the Asr prayer at Fazl Mosque, London, when Huzooraa departed the Fazl Mosque and took the A3 southbound, headed towards Islamabad. A large number of Londoners were present to see off their beloved Imamaa, whom they had become accustomed to seeing in the Fazl Mosque five times a day at every prayer for almost 16 years; including the tenure of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh, the Fazl Mosque served as the residence for Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya for almost 35 years. The crowds of people gathered at the Fazl Mosque sang choral poems to see off their beloved Imamaa. Huzoor’saa entourage arrived at Islamabad, Surrey at approximately 6:55 pm where a large number of residents of Islamabad, those belonging to neighboring Jamaats and many more joyfully welcomed Huzooraa. After arriving at Islamabad, Huzooraa waved and said Salaam to the rejoicing crowds. The atmosphere echoed with the prayer: رَبّنا تقبّل منّا انّک انت السّمیع العلیم (Our Lord, accept this from us, for Thou art surely the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing) and choral poems (taranas) that children sang in praise of Allah to add colour to the very historic moment in the history of Islam. This day was reminiscent of the great hijrats (migrations) that have taken place in the history of Islam. When progress and prosperity is manifested through the expansion of Allah’s Jamaat and migration is destined to happen, then Allah provides facilities to contain and uphold the divine bounties bestowed by Allah on His Jamaat. We are fortunate to be living in the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, through whom, we have witnessed another milestone, among many, in the growth of Islam Ahmadiyyat. We know from history that every hijrat has opened up avenues for the propagation of Islam and we know with full conviction that his hijrat will lead the Jamaat towards success that is otherwise unattainable by mere human power – Insha-Allah. Central offices – including Huzoor’saa private secretariat, Wakalat-e-Tabshir, Wakalat-e-Mal, Wakalat-e-Tamil-o-Tanfidh (India, Nepal and Bhutan) – have also moved to Islamabad as part of the Markaz’s shift. As Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa mentioned in his latest Friday Sermon, the residential colony is being inhabited by Waqifeen-e-Zindagi, most of whom will be working in the local offices. In a period of just around two years, we have seen a great transformation of what was once a make-shift residential facility into state-of-the-art offices and residential complex. We pray to Allah that He makes this new Markaz a beacon of light for all mankind and that facilitates the Jamaat further in propagating the message of Muhammad Rasulullahsa.

Featured, Opinions

Ofcom fines UK-based TV station for anti-Ahmadi Muslim hate speech

A UK-based TV station has been fined £75,000 by Ofcom after broadcasting hate speech about the Ahmadi community, amid growing fears that the religious group is facing persecution. Channel 44, an Urdu-language current affairs satellite channel, broadcast two episodes of a discussion programme featuring a guest who “made repeated, serious and unsubstantiated allegations about members of the Ahmadiyya community”, the broadcasting watchdog said. The guest, who appeared on the Point of View show, which was made in Pakistan, claimed Ahmadi people had “committed acts of murder, terrorism, and treason as well as undertaking political assassinations”. The same guest also claimed the Ahmadi community, which has its roots in northern India in the late 19th century, was favored in Pakistan at the expense of orthodox Muslims. The ruling comes during ongoing concern over discrimination against the Ahmadiyya movement, a minority sect of Islam that faces persecution and violence in Pakistan and Indonesia as well as hostility from some orthodox Muslims in Britain. The Ahmadi community moved its global headquarters from Pakistan to south London in the 1980s, after a constitutional amendment declared its followers to be non-Muslims and they were later barred from practicing their faith. During the programmes broadcast by Channel 44 in early December 2017, Ofcom said the guest “made remarks that attributed conspiratorial intent to the actions of the Pakistani authorities towards the Ahmadiyya community”. Ofcom found the channel breached three clauses in its code, covering the context of offensive material, hate speech, and derogatory treatment of religions or communities. Arguing that Pakistani officials had “inducted” Ahmadi people into the police and education department, the guest called on the country’s people to “rise up” against this. Expressing Regrets City News Network (SMC) Pvt Ltd, which runs the channel, aside from the £75,000 fine, it was ordered to broadcast a statement about the ruling. The firm expressed its “regret and sincere apologies for the failings in the compliance for these two programmes”. It described the failings as unintentional and said it did not intend to cause offense to the Ahmadi community. Similar fines on hate broadcast Last year, a community radio station was fined £10,000 after broadcasting “abusive and derogatory” statements about the Ahmadis. Radio Ikhlas, based in Derby, suspended a presenter and broadcast an apology after a radio phone-in that discussed the beliefs of the Ahmadi community in offensive and pejorative terms. In 2013 a TV station was fined £25,000 after broadcasting two programmes subjecting the Ahmadi community to abuse. Takbeer TV, a free-to-air Islamic channel, made the offensive broadcast.

Featured, Opinions

The Ubiquity of Hypocrisy

The world of men is filled with men of wordsWords of saints they speakSpeak to them and see if you will not feel like a sinnerSinner first in your own eyes and then to humankind Humankind has mastered the art of deceitDeceit through righteousness in the eyes of allAll pretending to one another, masking their true selfSelfless to a select few and selfish to many more More and more, the fabric of hypocrisy is widely wornWorn by those you least expect and those you truly respectRespect is a currency of insincerity, spent with caution as though it will finish from regular useUse people before they use you and make you useless Uselessly, we hanker after paltry gains that we will leave behindBehind to those who have no idea of how we laboured for the richesThe riches we earned by mastery of impunityImpunity hinged by hypocrisyHypocrisy girded by dishonestyDishonesty fueled by small-mindedness Small minds lieLie – the craft they think will make them fly highHigh in the eyes of men but low in God’s presenceThe presence that makes all else immaterialImmaterial to all those you lied to, lied for, lied about and to you You are righteous to people in your faithFaithful only to your friendsFriendly only to those from whom you seek benefitsBenefitting from being ruthless to othersOthers of different skin, ethnicity, religion, gender, status, and education Education should cure you of hypocrisy becauseHypocrisy is from within where education makes the transformationThe transformation that tells you life is a transitionTransition in space and timeTime to meet and part, time to exist and extinct, time to be and be no moreMore to life there’s than just a transactional exchangeThe exchange you must! Your house with a coffin or graveyard, your time with eternity, your companions with loneliness… Loneliness will be the lot of the hypocriteThe hypocrite who smiles from a mileWhose words of praise have become triteBut whose heart is filled with bileIf you don’t know any hypocriteIt’s probably you don’t know yourselfBe free of hypocrisyAvoid it as you would leprosyThe hypocrite never finds favour with God and menDon’t serve me hypocrisy… it’s dirty and creepy!

Featured, Opinions

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Marks 130years of Existence Globally

Saturday, 23rd March 1889 will forever remain a unique and historic day in the history of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in particular and Islam in general.  It was a remarkable day when Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah(Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) accepted the hands of 40 sincere and faithful servants in allegiance to the Ten Conditions of Baiats (Initiation) and established the community which he named “The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.  This oath of allegiance was taken at the house of a spiritual preceptor Hazrat Sufi Ahmad Jan in the city of Ludhiana (Punjab India).  Hazrat Maulvi Hakim Noor-ud-Din was the first person to have the honour of taking the first Baiat.  This was a revolutionary yet a very modest beginning to a new chapter in the history of Islam. 130 years after this day, the Community is spread across over 200 countries in Africa, America, Asia, Australian and Europe.  The membership of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Community is in the millions and is increasing every day.  It is the most dynamic and positive religious force on the earth today.  In the face of all adversity, the Community teaches the true Islam globally in all its purity. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the foremost Islamic organization with a central spiritual leader, known as the Khalifa of Islam.  Over a century ago, the Promised Messiah(as) reminded his followers of God’s promise to safeguard the message of Islam through Khilafat (the spiritual institution of successorship to prophethood).  The Community believes that only spiritual successorship of Khilafat can uphold the true values of Islam and unite humanity. Five spiritual leaders have succeeded the Promised Messiah(as) since his demise in 1908.  Its fifth and current spiritual head is His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(AS). Under the leadership of Islamic Khilafat, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has now built over 16,000 Mosques, over 500 schools and over 30 hospitals.  It has translated the Holy Quran into over 70 languages.  It propagates the true teachings of Islam and message of peace and tolerance through 24 hour satellite television channel, Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTA), the internet – www.alislam.org and print media – Islam International Publications. The Community has been at the forefront of worldwide disaster relief through an independent charitable organization, Humanity First International. Annually, followers of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community mark 23rd of March as “The Promised Messiah(AS) Day.  This year is not an exemption as the Jama’at clocks 130 years on Saturday, 23rd March 2019. In his latest Friday sermon, the Amir (Head) Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria, Dr. Mashhud Adenrele Fashola said the anniversary was neither a birthday celebration nor jamboree.  He stated that Masih Maoud Day remembrance has to do with the spiritual and moral uprightness of all members.  He also said the importance of the day is to reflect on the teachings of Masih Maoud. “In terms of knowledge, no one is closer to the Holy Prophet(SAW) than the Promised Messiah(as).  If not for the advent of Prophet Muhammad(saw) we will not be existing today.  It is good to celebrate the companions of Holy Prophet(saw).  Their life styles are unparalleled, inconceivable and great.  We cannot match them in attributes.    We will be ungrateful if we don’t celebrate Hazrat Masih Maoud Day.  Our existence would be like that of an animal if not for his emergence,” Amir opined. Dr. Fashola affirmed that Prophet Muhammad(saw) was the greatest of all mankind due to his unflinching love for humanity showed through the sufferings and a lot of sacrifices he made, adding that it is incumbent on all Muslims to always invoke Darood (Praise) on him to receive abundant blessings from Almighty God. He noted: “The love Imam Mahdi(as) has for the Holy Prophet is unquantifiable.  It is a pity on those who neglected the advent of Imam Mahdi. They are practically neglecting the Holy Prophet of Islam.  Imam Mahdi came to continue the good works of the Holy Prophet(saw).” Highlighting the importance of the advent, the Amir said Imam Mahdi(as) came to teach complete obedience to the commandments of Almighty God.  That he (Imam Mahdi) brought back the peaceful teachings of Islam.  He further said the Promised Messiah brought back the spiritual and moral legacies of the Holy Prophet(saw).  He said that the advent led to the establishment of Khilafat Ahmadiyya. The Lagos State Branch of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria also marked the Masih Maoud Day at the Tahir Mosque, Ojokoro, Lagos. Maulvi Afzaal Ahmad Rauf, the Missionary Incharge who was the special guest of honour at the programme stated that it is imperative for all members including the children to follow the footsteps of Imam Mahdi(as) who was regarded as a staunch follower of the Holy Prophet(saw). He informed that the Promised Messiah(as) engaged in a lot of sacrifices and indeed observed fasting for a period of 60 days, all for the victory of Islam.  He said the dedication and supplication of Imam Mahdi towards this achievement cannot be overemphasized. “Imam Mahdi cherished Almighty Allah throughout his life.  Let us all love God and sacrifice our money, time and children for the sake of Allah.  The Promised Messiah was ever ready to sacrifice everything about him in the way of Allah.  Let’s inculcate the love of Allah in ourselves and our generations as exemplified by Imam Mahdi(as),” the Missionary Incharge said. The senior missionary sees the celebration as an opportunity for all members to renew their pledge and turn a new leaf.  He further advised that members must give complete obedience to Imam Mahdi and all the instructions of the Khilafat. Missionary Abdul Haadi Babarinde of the National Headquarters discussed on the topic: “Love and Obedience of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah(as) to the Holy Prophet(saw): An Excellent Model for Spiritual Upliftment.  He said Imam Mahdi expressed his love for Prophet Muhammad through obedience.  That he demonstrated the love in practices and way of life. He advised all Muslims to develop true love for Prophet Muhammad and follow his excellent virtues.  He said it is the best way of showing love for Almighty Allah. Another lecture titled: “Hazrat

Featured, Humanity


The National Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria Barrister Alatoye Folorunso Azeez recently embarked on a working visit to the Abeokuta Branch to address members, inspect ongoing projects and commission a new mosque built and donated by Alhaja Rahmatallah Okunola ( Kudoro) nee Afonja.Amir and his entourage were received by the Branch Executives led by the Branch President, Dr. Nasirudeen Bello at a location near the State Government Secretariat. The Amir was taken to Idi Aba to see a Mosque under construction. The land was donated to the Jama’at as far back as 1986 and the Ogungbade family single handedly started developing the mosque which has reached window level. Another well-wisher of the Jama’at sunk the well on the land. The land became disputed when some members of the family who sold the land fenced the land including our mosque and lay claim to the land. The case Barr. Alatoye enjoined members to ensure Jamaat’s lands are not lost and gave them guidelines on how to protect the land/mosque.The team was later taken to Oke Oliye mosque that has been under construction for 25 years. The mosque had been roofed but still required funds to reach completion. The Branch President mentioned that 15 Jama’ats and all auxiliary bodies had participated in the construction of the mosque with assistance from the headquarters. The Circuit President requested prayers for. Amir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria, Alhaji (Barr) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez addressing the Oke Oliye members, after inspecting the on-going Ahmadiyya Mosque Oke Oliye. with him, L-R: Sadr, Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Nigeria, Engr Saheed Aina; Lawyer Ajijola Anabi; Branch President Abeokuta, Dr. Bello and Gen Secretary, Alhaji Abbas Iromini. Oke Oliye Mosque Picture under construction (below). Amir expressed his happiness on the great progress made since the last time he paid a visit. Amir said it was acceptance of prayers that had made it possible for the mosque to reach its present level. He further prayed for Allah’s assistance and empowerment of members to be able to complete the mosque to standard. He reminded all who were present at the occasion of the charge His Holiness, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, the Worldwide Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community gave to the Nigerian Jama’at which were on Tabligh, Financial independence and on Wasiyyat scheme. Amir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria, Alhaji (Barr) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez (3rd right) Maulvi Hashim Uthman; Sadr, Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Nigeria, Engr Saheed Aina; Lawyer Ajijola Anabi; Branch President Abeokuta, Dr Nasirudeen Bello and General Secretary, Alhaji Abbas Iromini, during the closing prayer at Oke Oliye Mosque, Abeokuta Ogun State. COMMISSIONING OF NEW MOSQUE AT SOYOYE A new mosque of about 60 sitting capacity built and donated by Alhaja Rahmatallah Okunola (Kudoro) Nee Afonja was commissioned by the Amir. The donor joined the Jama’at while in secondary school and got married in 1986. She had done a lot of donations in the past and the latest was the new mosque commissioned. Amir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria, Alhaji (Barr) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez (2nd right), during the commissioning of a Mosque donated by Alhaja Rahmatallah Okunola, with him, Engr Rasheed Afonja (Senior Bro to donor) right, Lawyer Ajijola Anabi (left) Abeokuta Circuit President, Dr Nasirudeen Bello; Gen Sec, Ahmadiyya Nigeria, Alhaji Abbas Iromini and others at Idi-Aba Abeokuta, Ogun State. Amir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria, Alhaji (Barr) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez unveiling the Mosque and also led the prayer. The donor, Alhaja Rahmatallah gave a small speech and narrated what led to the building of the mosque. She was from Ansarudeen family as her father was the Baba Adinni of their mosque then. She had been attending the Annual Conference (Jalsa Salana) of the Jama’at since the days at Surulere and later at Ojokoro. She went to Hajj and had the intention that if Allah granted all her prayers, she would donate a mosque in appreciation. She said all the prayers were subsequently answered and she had to donate the Mosque. The donor of the Mosque, Alhaja Rahmatallah Okunola (Kudoro) make a speech during the commissioning of the Mosque at Idi-Aba, Abeokuta Ogun State. Her elder brother, Engineer Afonja gave a speech on how they came across Ahmadiyya way back in 1964 when they were at Egbado College. The Muslim students were going to the town to offer their Juma’at prayers until late Pa Salman of Ilaro Jama’at volunteered to be leading them in Juma’at prayers inside the college and that was how they became Ahmadis. Ever since then, they have remained with the Jama’at. He, on behalf of the sister, Mrs Rahmatallah, handed over the documents of the mosque to the Amir Sahib. Engineer Abdul Rasheed Afonja (left) presenting the documents of the Mosque donated by Alhaja Rahmatallah to Amir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria, Alhaji (Barr) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez in Abeokuta, Ogun State. The Amir gave a lecture on the immense spiritual and moral blessings of Masjid (mosque) and emphasised that mosque was for Allah. He narrated his Hajj experience in 2005 and how a Christian was introduced to him who had been performing Hajj for about 5 times, despite being a Christian. The Christian confirmed that Hajj is a place where prayers are accepted. He encouraged members to build functional mosques which could be started and completed on time. Amir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria, Alhaji (Barr) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez (3rd right),deliver a lecture, during the donation of a Mosque at Idi-Aba Abeokuta, Ogun State, with him, Engr Rasheed Afonja (Senior Bro to donor, Alhaja Rahmatallah) right, Lawyer Ajijola Anabi (2nd left), Abeokuta Circuit President, Dr Nasirudeen Bello and Sadr, Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Nigeria, Engr Saheed Aina (left). He gave further instances of how prayers were accepted by Allah and wanted Quranic learning, Tabligh activities to be carried on in the mosque apart from the regular SolatHe later commissioned the Mosque at about 2.00 p.m. and also led Solat Zuhr after the commissioning.Closing prayer was offered.

Islam, Welfare

Humanity First Nigeria (HFN) Disaster Management and Relief Team Clothes Bank Project

Reports on the Activities of Clothes Bank Project for the Months of April and May 2022 A. April 2022 A. Processing of Received itemsWe had over 40 volunteers who worked on:1. Collection of clothes2. Sorting of clothes3. Distribution of clothesUsing over 45 hours of workhttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zValDIlguyMOSQjqKkm80hVOIFD0Be28?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-X293iZiYIH_U0P4YnhtlVrhU50nqPYh?usp=sharing B. Results1. Over 6000 units of clothes generated in 4 locations2. Over 3000 units of clothes distributed to over 700 families in 6 locations3. 90% of work done on renovation of the Abuja Clothes Bank4. Conversion of a Car Park in the Ahmadiyya Mosque, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, to Clothes Bank ongoing.5. Generated over One hundred and Twenty Thousand Naira (N120,000) in donations6. Space has been allocated to the Clothes Bank in Akinyele and Omi Adio Circuits, both in Ibadan, Oyo State. C. PublicityWith the support of the HFN media team, we have been able to:1. The activities of the Clothes Bank on the Facebook page have attracted more followers to the HFN official Facebook page.2. Make posts on Facebook that have generated over 200 likes on the official Facebook page of HFN.3. Made tweets on twitter that have been picked up and re-twitted by the Humanity First International (HFI) media team.4. With the help of MTA Nigeria, the Clothes bank inauguration was featured on the MTA Global News. It can be accessed through this link:https://www.youtube.com/embed/qYGLvMXwinc?feature=oembed D. Our ChallengesThe following have been identified as our immediate challenges:1. Lack of adequate storage spaces in Lagos operation center; the center which has generated over 60% of the clothes received.2. We are also having challenges of storage space in Ibadan. Nevertheless, we are making efforts in getting a space.3. Lack of funds for publicity and administrative works E. Our HopesWe intend to:1. Commence aggressive drives for clothes donations for less privileged people which they can use in celebrating Eid-ul Adha festival.2. Look for new opportunities to distribute the clothes and other items.3. Explore all opportunities available to us in raising funds as donations.F. Breakdown of Clothes donated per outing1. Okooko Village, Oyo State: April 17, 2022i. 250 families benefittedii. Over 700 units of clothing distributed to over 250 families in four communitiesiii. Estimate demographyiv. Children 80 plusv. Women 100 plusvi. Men 70 plus2. Ogbakiri Village, Portharcourt Rivers State: April 22, 2022i. Adult Clothes Donated: 5 Male / 5 Femaleii. Children Clothes Donated: 20 Male / 30 Femaleiii. Total Clothes Donated: 60iv. Non-Clothes Item Donated: 14 pair of shoes / sandalsv. Fifty (50) families benefitted3. Shogunro, Lagos State: May 25, 2022A. Donationsi. Adult clothes: Male 150 Female 400ii. Children Clothes: Male 200 Female 450iii. Total Donated items 1, 150 ClothesB. Beneficiariesi. Adults: Male 50 Female 130ii. Children: Male 70 Female 140iii. Total Beneficiaries 450 ABDUL-QADIR, ABDUL-RAFI ALHAJI POPOOLA ISHAQTEAM LEAD SECRCRETARY

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Are women inferior to men in Islam?

According to Islam women are not considered inferior to men. Men and women have similar rights and in some areas women actually enjoy certain privileges that the men do not. In terms of property, marriage and divorce women have been given rights and in fact at each turn they have been considered and provided for as appropriate. It is true to say that Islam gave women rights which are unparalleled in the history of women. Allah has declared in the Holy Qur’an that He has created men and women as equal beings. He has created you from a single being; then from that He made its mate. (Ch 39: V.7) There is also a hadith of the Holy Prophet(sa) that: ‘A person who is blessed with a daughter or daughters and makes no discrimination between them and his sons and brings them up with kindness and affection, will be as close to me in Paradise as my forefinger and middle finger are to each other.’ (Muslim vol. 2, Section Beneficence).The above removes any concept of inferiority leveled at women in Islam. Furthermore, there are many references in the Holy Qur’an that refer to the various spheres of life where the status of women hasbeen elevated. In summary, Islam is the first religion that gives women the right to an education, property rights, the right of inheritance, and freedom of marriage and divorce. Similar rights were not available to women in Europe for many centuries after the advent of Islam. Spiritual StatusThe Holy Qur’an repeatedly proclaims men and women’s equality in spiritual status: “But whoso does good works, whether male or female and is a believer, such shall enter Heaven”. (Ch.4: V.125)“Surely, men who submit themselves to God and women who submit themselves to Him, and believing men and believing women, and obedient men and obedient women and truthful men and truthful women, and men steadfast in their faith and steadfast women, and men who are humble and women who are humble, and men who give alms, and women who give alms, and men who fast and women who fast, and men who guard their chastity and women who guard their chastity, and men who remember Allah much and women who remember Him – Allah has prepared for all of them forgiveness and a great reward”. (Ch.33: V.36) The Holy Qur’an is unique amongst all scriptures, as It repeatedlyemphasizes this equality by addressing both men and women in its verses. Islam teaches that both men and women are equal in the sight of God. Allah states in the Holy Qur’an: “But whoso does good works, whether male or female, and is a believer, such shall enter Heaven, and shall not be wronged even as much as the little hollow in the back of a date-stone”. (Ch.4: V.125) “And think of the day when thou wilt see the believing men and the believing women, their light running before them and on their right hands, and it will be said to them, ‘Glad tidings for you this day! Gardens through which streams flow, wherein you will abide. That is the supreme triumph”. (Ch. 57: V.13) “Whoso acts righteously, whether male or female and is a believer, We will surely grant him a pure life; and We will surely bestow on suchtheir reward according to the best of their works”. (Ch.16: V.98) This makes clear that in Islam there is equality between men and women. Intellectual StatusOn the intellectual level, Islam stresses that education is equally important for men and women. The Holy Prophet(SA) said: ‘It is the duty of every Muslim man and every Muslim woman to acquire knowledge’ (Ibne Majah). Islam gave women the right to an education over 1500 years ago. Incontrast, it was not until 1886 that women were permitted to sit exams at Cambridge University and it was not until 1948 that the university would confer academic degrees on them. Women were first admitted to Oxford University in 1920, (google it). Economic StatusOn the economic front, Islam entitles women to possess money, property, and other assets. Ch.4: V.33 – … Men shall have their share of that which they have earned, and women a share of that which they have earned… Upon marriage, the husband is required to give his wife a dowry which then becomes her exclusive property. Although the primary responsibility of a woman is to take care of her children and her home, as in Islam women are homemakers and home builders, yet she can work for financial gains, to contribute and to support the husband. Islam also gives her inheritance rights, making it a requirement for women to get their determined share. In terms of inheritance, the Qur’an clearly states that “For men is a share of that which parents and near relations leave; and for women is a share of that which parents and near relations leave, whether it be little or much – a determined share”. (Ch.4: V.8) In England, women could not own their own property until 1882 any property a woman had would automatically become her husband’s (Google it). Islam, on the other hand, has always given women economic rights including ownership of assets and property, earnings from work and rights of inheritance. It is interesting to contrast this against the fact that widows in England gained the right to inherit their husband’s property after 1890 – a right that Islam had given to women over twelve centuries earlier. Social StatusIslam elevated the social status of women by ensuring that they are treated respectfully by their husbands, sons, and fathers. A husband and wife have an equal role to play in providing support,comfort, and protection for one another, fitting each other like a garment fits the body. {They are a garment for you and you are a garment for them. (Ch. 2:188)} The Holy Prophet(saw) has said, ‘The best among you is he who is best in his treatment towards his wife.’ (Abu Daud) Women also have equal rights in



Alhaji Abbas Owolabi, the Branch President of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Abuja has donated a newly built mosque to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The mosque is located at Oke Ayo Eleshinmeta, Aba Alamu, Apata, Ibadan. The mosque, which was commissioned by the Amir (National President) of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Nigeria Dr. Mashhud Adenrele Fashola is a modest one. It is measured 60 x 50m and can accommodate over 130 worshippers at once. The donor also donated a two-bedroom apartment to serve as a mission house for the missionary in charge of the mosque. In a chat with our correspondent, Alhaji Owolabi disclosed that the donation was made in loving memory of his mother Alhaja Risikat Aduke Owolabi who passed away in 2016. While thanking the Amir for the eventual commissioning of the project, Alhaji Owolabi commended the efforts of Jamaat members around the area in making the dream a reality and also appealed to them to make the area a full-fledged Jamaat where five daily prayers, as well as Jumaat prayers, will be observed. In his first Friday sermon in the mosque, the Amir hailed the initiative of the Owolabi Family leading to the donation of the mosque and mission house to the Jamaat, adding that it was a move worthy of emulation going by the divine rewards attached to such act. He also requested worshippers to observe congregational prayers and relate among themselves with unity and harmony, and eschew bad feelings, hatred and evil acts. He said: “Anyone who built mosque has a great reward from God Almighty. It is one of the good deeds we can leave behind in this world. Meanwhile, all mosques are owned by God. No one can claim ownership of a mosque. True believers are expected to worship in the new mosque. Don’t keep grudges among yourselves, kindly love one another and live with peace and harmony so that your prayers will be answered by God Almighty.” “Members are requested to seek the pleasure of Allah alone, do not associate any partner with Him. Forgive whoever offends you and return evil deeds with goodness. Be a role model and emulate Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in all respect. Always strive to observe congregational prayers and never abandon the mosque.”

For more than one hundred years the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been leading a peaceful revival of Islam. From the time it was founded in India in 1889 it has enjoyed an unrivalled record for peace and for its efforts to build cohesive societies.

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