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Featured, Humanity

Ahmadiyya New Clinic in Kano Underway

Ahmadiyya New Clinic in Kano Underway By Dr. Qasin Akinreti The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat of Nigeria has commenced the building of another Clinic in Kano for more improved health care services to the people of the State. The foundation laying ceremony was performed by His Royal Highness, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, the Emir of Kano, the Amir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Nigeria, and the representative of Kano state Governor, the Commissioner of Health at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at complex along Zaria Road opposite the Kano Economic City. Once the new Clinic is completed, kano state will have three medical facilities and two schools for the overall benefit of the populace. Historically, the Foundation stone of the first Ahmadiyya Clinic in Kano was laid by late Royal Highness Alhaji Ado Bayero on 28 Dec 1968. It has now been upgraded to Ahmadiyya Hospital Kano. Before that, on 14 October 1967, Alhaji Aminu Kano; who was then the Federal Commissioner for Telecommunication visited Ahmadiyya Dispensary Apapa under the management of Retried Lt. Col Dr. M Y Shah described the activities of the Dispensary as “Wonderful work for humanity and peace.” On 19 February 1974, His Excellency, Alhaji Audu Bako, the Executive Governor of Kano State laid the foundation of Ahmadiyya College in Kano when Maulana Ajmal Shaid was the Amir of Nigeria. He was present at the occasion. This Secondary School has attracted many local and international awards to Kano through academic and sports laurels. Ahmadiyya Understanding of Islam The Amir, Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat of Nigeria, Barrister Alatoye Folorunso Azeez used the occasion to reiterate the essence of understanding Islam from the perspective of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to the effect of service to humanity in all ramifications. He stated that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believed that Almighty Allah sends the Holy Prophet Muhammad as a mercy unto mankind. Therefore, in addition to upholding the five pillars of Islam and six articles of faith, a Muslim preoccupation is to be a mercy unto mankind by making life easier for them, to serve Allah in an atmosphere of peace. Accordingly, the Jamaat has a Non-Governmental Organization called Humanity First whose preoccupation include: 1. Global Health for all by building Hospitals and Clinics2. Knowledge for All by building Schools3. Orphanage Care4. Water for life5. Gift of Sight6. Food security7. Refugee Resettlement8. Community Care; and9. Disaster Relief. He noted that Humanity First through the present Medical Director of Ahmadiyya Hospital Kano has treated thousands of people on the “Gift of Sight “ scheme free of charge. Similarly, through the Principal of Ahmadiyya College Kano, Humanity First had sunk many boreholes in the suburb of Kano metropolis to provide drinkable water to those environments. Barrister Alatoye equally said that the Founder of Ahmadiyya Community laid emphasis on Islam as a religion of peace, hence the current Khalifa, spiritual head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community globally is preoccupied with how the world will achieve global peace and has made several tours before the Covid 19. Nigeria was one of the countries on the list before the outbreak, hence the visit was halted. His key message during the tours is how the world will embrace justice and peace and he has written many books on this. The Amir appreciated the cordial relationship among the Palace, the Kano State at large, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat for the realization of sustainable developments through the provisions of a Hospital, equipped with ultra-modern facilities, unique primary and secondary schools, and now a new clinic in Kano alone. Both the Emir of Kano and the Kano state government equally appreciated the gestures of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat of Nigeria. Video Player 00:00 00:03 Video Player 00:00 02:50 Video Player

Featured, Humanity


AHMADIYYA OPENS ULTRA-MODERN MOSQUE IN APATA – Lays foundation of two others in Ogun State It was a historic week for the Nigeria Branch of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Worldwide as its National Head (Amir), Barr. Alatoye Folorunso Azeez commissioned a newly built ultra-modern Mosque in Apata (Oyo State) and a newly renovated one in Ilaro (Ogun State) respectively. The Apata Mosque was single-handedly sponsored by a family. It is a two-storey building with the ground floor set aside for ablution area and car park.It will be recalled that the foundation laying stone of the ultra-modern mosque was done in 21st March 2021, barely six months ago. At a go, the Mosque could accommodate about 500 worshippers. The same donor also completed the building of a mission house at Jankata (Apata) branch of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria. It is a well-structured three-bedroom (ensuite) apartment meant for a would-be missionary for the branch. Similarly, the National Head also commissioned a newly renovated Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Central Mosque at Igbogidi, Ilaro, Ogun State.The foundation stone of the Mosque was laid in 2001 after the plot of land was donated by Late Pa Ajayi in the year 2000. Prominent members of the Ahmadiyya Community in Ilaro contributed immensely to the successful construction of the place of worship. Barr. Alatoye, after praying fervently for the donors emphasized the importance of building mosques and mission houses, stressing that spiritual blessings and everlasting rewards from Almighty God are attached to the noble initiative. He said: “It’s more rewarding if we strive to build houses for Allah than constructing so much flats for worldly financial gains. Let us follow the footsteps of companions of the Holy Prophet who constructed buildings for the sake of Allah. We should also ensure that our Mosques are well structured and attractive than even our personal houses. “The roles of the youths in recent times towards the building of the Mosques and Mission Houses can not be over-emphasized. They are proving to be the backbone of the Ahmadiyya Community. May Allah continue to shower blessings on them.” FOUNDATION STONE LAYING OF TWO MOSQUES AT OGUN STATEIn the same vein, the foundation stones of two ultra-modern Mosques were laid at Iyesi-Ijaba and Iju-Onibukun (Ogun State) branches of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The Amir enjoined members of the Islamic body to put their trust in Almighty God alone and strive to complete the projects in no time, not minding the economic challenges facing the nation. “It is a known fact that the nation is presently facing serious economic challenges, but we should not be bothered. We are only experiencing trying times. Almighty Allah will always pave way for his people. Let us have the mindset of completing these projects soon,” Barr. Alatoye advised. AMIR INSPECTS ONGOING MISSION HOUSE PROJECT AT SABO, ILARO On the way back to the National Secretariat in Lagos State, the National President and his entourage inspected the ongoing mission house project at Sabo-Ilaro. The project is a storey-building. The Amir led a special prayer at the site. WORKING VISITS TO EDE, EJIGBOThe National Head further made short trips to Ede and Ejigbo branches of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria to inspect landed properties, ongoing projects and familiarise with members of the community. In his address, Barrister Alatoye urged all and sundry to always display the good qualities of Ahmadi members and serve as role models to non-members in a bid to win more souls into the religious body. “Let me use this medium to request our teeming members to exhibit true teachings of Islam. We must work on our morals and characters such that outsiders will be willing to join the Ahmadiyya train. Let us convert people with the best of behaviors and good neighborliness,” the Amir posited. WORKING VISITS TO EJIGBO

Featured, Humanity, Opinions

From Misrepresentation to Representation of Facts: A Rejoinder to a Propaganda against Ahmadiyya

By Al-Hafiz Yunus Omotayo The enterprise of peddling propaganda or fabrication or misrepresentation or misinformation or a combination of them all against the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community by some self-appointed ‘gate-keepers’ of Islam among the mainstream Muslim scholars has been an age-long trend. Their main objective has invariably been to distance the uninformed or ill-informed Muslim public, in particular, from discovering and embracing this divine community of Muslims whose fundamental mission is to revivify the Islamic faith and practice that have suffered adulteration at the hands of the so-called Muslim scholars. Emphatically, Ahmadiyya has the overarching objective of reaffirming, restating and reinstating both the lost Islamic orthodoxy and orthopraxy through its concerted global missionary organization, under the guidance of its worldwide Supreme Head – the Khalifah. Of course, while the over thirteen-decade-history of Ahmadiyya had continuously witnessed viral spread of coordinated and systematic propaganda and opposition against it, it is worthwhile to note that their spread has always come with concomitant viral spread and embracement of the message of Ahmadiyya across the world. Hence, today, Ahmadiyya continues to grow and glow with tens of millions of memberships spread across over 220 countries and territories. An instance of such anti-Ahmadiyya campaigns which this piece seeks to refute is an anonymous write-up that has gone viral in recent time. It is titled AHMADIYYA ARE NOT MUSLIMS. In exposing the vicious propaganda by the writer, this piece adopts a point-by-point rejoinder format that first reproduces each of their misrepresentations and then straightforwardly deconstructs and reconstructs them with correct representation of facts about Ahmadiyya and its founder, beliefs, practices and history. ANTI-AHMADIYYA MISREPRESENTATION: AHMADIYAH ARE NOT MUSLIMS CORRECT REPRESENTATION: AHMADIS ARE MUSLIMS because they profess the Islamic credo: There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (saw) is His Servant and Messenger. They uphold the Islamic fundamental belief in Allah, the Angels, the revealed Scriptures, Divine Messengers and the Last Day and observe the Islamic Salat, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj as prescribed. The Holy Prophet said: Whoso observes our Salat, faces our Qiblah and eats our Islamically slaughtered animal, is a Muslim (Sahih Bukhari). ANTI-AHMADIYYA MISREPRESENTATION: In the Name of Allāh: Read and Share for the sake Of Allāh, Protect your Friend, brother, Sister, Parents From the poison of Qadianis. CORRECT REPRESENTATION: In the Name of Allāh: read and share for the sake of Allāh, guide your friend, brother, sister, parents to the truth and blessings of Ahmadiyya as distinct from the fabrications of its opponents. INTRODUCTION ANTI-AHMADIYYA MISREPRESENTATION: Ahmadiyyah, also known as Ahmadis or Qadianis is a Movement Founded in Punjab- British India at the end of 19th Century by a Man Called Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908). The Movement is directly or indirectly sponsored by Britain as it will be explained fully below. CORRECT REPRESENTATION: Ahmadiyyah, the members of which are known as Ahmadi Muslims (but incorrectly and derogatorily called Qadianis by the opponents) is an Islamic revivalist movement founded (based on divine guidance and in fulfilment of Quranic and Prophetic prophecies) in Punjab – British India – about a decade toward the end of 19th Century by a man called Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) (1835-1908). The Movement is NOT directly or indirectly sponsored by Britain. In truth, several available evidences and facts strongly and conclusively prove that Ahmadiyya could never have been an agent of the British Government. Notably, at the time when India was under the yoke of the British colonial rule and Muslims, in particular, were being awed by the mighty power of their colonial masters, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is found to be the only champion of Islam of the age that wrote with courage two powerful epistles of Islam to the then Queen of England and Empress of India, Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. The first, titled Tohfa-e-Qaisariyyah [A Gift for the Queen], was written and published in 1897 on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty, while the second, Sitara-e-Qaisarah [Star of the Empress], was written on 20 August 1899 and published on 24 August, 1899. In the former, after making a faith-inspiring case for the unity of God and prophethood of Muhammad (saw) on the one hand, he went on, on the other hand, to vehemently decimate Christianity – the religion of the British – through a staunch rebuttal of the doctrines of Trinity, Atonement and sonship of Jesus. He concluded by boldly inviting Her Majesty to Islam and passionately prayed: O Almighty God! Thou art all Powerful, we beseech Thee that Thou mayest so turn the heart of our gracious Queen that she may give up all creature worship and see the light of Islam. Let her believe in the One God and His Messenger, Muhammad, till the end of her days.” Clearly, Ahmadiyya has ever been sponsored directly by Allah’s mighty grace and support through the dedicated religious struggle (Jihad) by, foremost, its Holy Founder and the successive Supreme worldwide Heads and members of the Community as it will be explained fully below. ……………………………To be continued!

Featured, Humanity, Opinions

Six reasons Muslims – or anyone – should not celebrate Christmas

By Frasat Ahmad, Missionary, USA. (Published in The Weekly Al-Hakam) Christmas has come. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, they say. The jolly atmosphere, the Christmas spirit, the love and the joy are infectious. What’s not to like! Why not join in and spread the Christmas cheer? Jesus(as) is highly revered in both Christianity and Islam, right? So what’s the harm in celebrating him? Christmas is a religious festivity celebrating the birth of a man whom Christians believe to be not only the son of God, but God Himself. Simply put, as Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV(rh) puts it, “It is a religious affair. As such, you should not celebrate it, because your religion is not Christianity; it is Islam.” (Children’s Class [programme on MTA], The Fazl Mosque, recorded 27 April 1991). Granted, but Christmas is still a cultural phenomenon. So, why can’t we participate in the cultural festivities of Christmas? Here are six reasons why Muslims – and Christians – should not celebrate Christmas, religiously or culturally. Allah the Almighty is very clear about this. On multiple occasions in the Holy Quran, He disassociates Himself from the notion that Jesus(as) is His son or that Jesus(as) shares a portion of His divinity. In fact, Allah the Almighty expresses abhorrence about this: یٰۤاَہۡلَ الۡکِتٰبِ لَا تَغۡلُوۡا فِیۡ دِیۡنِکُمۡ وَ لَا تَقُوۡلُوۡا عَلَی اللّٰہِ اِلَّا الۡحَقَّ ؕ اِنَّمَا الۡمَسِیۡحُ عِیۡسَی ابۡنُ مَرۡیَمَ رَسُوۡلُ اللّٰہِ وَ کَلِمَتُہٗ ۚ اَلۡقٰہَاۤ اِلٰی مَرۡیَمَ وَ رُوۡحٌ مِّنۡہُ ۫ فَاٰمِنُوۡا بِاللّٰہِ وَ رُسُلِہٖ ۚ۟ وَ لَا تَقُوۡلُوۡا ثَلٰثَۃٌ ؕ اِنۡتَہُوۡا خَیۡرًا لَّکُمۡ ؕ اِنَّمَا اللّٰہُ اِلٰہٌ وَّاحِدٌ ؕ سُبۡحٰنَہٗۤ اَنۡ یَّکُوۡنَ لَہٗ وَلَدٌ ۘ لَہٗ مَا فِی السَّمٰوٰتِ وَ مَا فِی الۡاَرۡضِ ؕ وَ کَفٰی بِاللّٰہِ وَکِیۡلًا “O people of the Book, do not exceed the limits in your religion, and do not say anything except the truth about Allah. Verily, the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a Messenger of Allah and a fulfilment of His word which He sent down to Mary, and a mercy from him. So believe in Allah and His Messengers and do not say, ‘They are three.’ Desist, it will be better for you. Verily, Allah is the only One God. Far is it from His Holiness that he should have a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And sufficient is Allah as a Guardian.” (Surah al-Nisa, Ch.4: V.172) وَّ اَنَّہٗ تَعٰلٰی جَدُّ رَبِّنَا مَا اتَّخَذَ صَاحِبَۃً وَّ لَا وَلَدًا “The Majesty of our Lord is exalted. He has taken neither wife nor son unto Himself.” (Surah al-Jinn, Ch.72: V.4) Jesus(as) also plainly explains that he was not the literal son of God or God himself, but rather the epithet was used as a symbolic term of endearment for him. We read in John 10:31-36: “The Jews picked up stones again to stone him. Jesus replied to them, ‘I showed you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?’ The Jews answered Him, ‘We are not stoning You for a good work, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man, make Yourself out to be God.’ Jesus answered them, ‘Has it not been written in your Law: ‘I said, you are gods’? If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be nullified), are you saying of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?” Here, Jesus(as) explicitly details that all messengers of God, upon whom the word of God came, are considered godly in a symbolic sense. Romans 8:14 demonstrates that this same symbolism was used for the term “son of god.” We read, “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” “Christmas is really about bringing out your inner pagan,” says historian Kenneth C Davis. (The unexpected origins of popular Christmas traditions, CBS News). The Gospels make no mention at all of the date of Jesus’ birth and early Christians were not at all interested in the birth of Jesus(as). It was only three centuries after Jesus’ birth, when Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, that Christmas was first celebrated. Even then, it was not widely celebrated. Christmas only became popular in 800 CE, when Charlemagne was crowned emperor of the Roman Empire on Christmas Day. (The Origins of Christmas: Pagan Rites, Drunken Revels and More, Newsweek). In order to make Christianity more palatable to pagans, early Christian church leaders assimilated pagan traditions into their Christmas festivities (Gerd Schwerhoff, “Festivals”, in: Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages). As German historian Wolfgang Behringer writes, “Christmas, the festival of the ‘birthday of the Lord’, has been celebrated on December 25 since 354, probably in order to suppress the birthday festival of the pagan god Sol Invictus (the Unconquered Sun).” (Behringer, Wolfgang, “Christmas”, in: Encyclopedia of Early Modern History Online) Centuries before the birth of Jesus(as), pagan Europeans celebrated the winter solstice, rejoicing in the arrival of longer days and extended sunlight. In Scandinavia, the Norse people celebrated Yule, the winter solstice, where fathers and son would bring home large logs and trees, which they would set on fire to keep them warm. Romans would celebrate the birthday of Mithra, their sun-god, on December 25. Mithra’s birthday was considered the most sacred day of the year. (History of Christmas, History Channel) Scottish anthropologist Sir James George Frazer unravels and explains the uncanny similarities between pagan traditions and Christmas. He writes: “It was a custom of the heathen to celebrate on the same twenty-fifth of December the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity. In these solemnities and festivities the Christians also took part. Accordingly when the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians had a leaning to this festival, they took counsel and resolved that the true Nativity should be solemnised on that


AMJN National Exhibition 2022

Welcome to National Exhibition 2022 It was Sara Sheridan who wrote:“Without archives, many stories of real people would be lost, and along with those stories, vital clues that allow us to reflect and interpret our lives today.”It is with this huge sense of preserving history that the Majlis Ansarullah Ahmadiyya Nigeria presents to the public an Exhibition titled: “National Exhibition 2022”. The theme of the program is “Islam-ul-Ahmadiyya in Prints and Visuals”. For full details pls follow this link NATIONAL EXHIBITION 2022

Featured, Humanity


Courtesy visits Obaladi of Afon to Amir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria, Alhaji (Barr) Alatoye Folorunso AbdulAzeez at National Headquarters, Ojokoro, Lagos. With Obaladi Babade, Missionary Ikumapayi Abdul Jelili; Circuit Missionary Afon, Babade Yusuf; Missionary Bankole Jamiu, Circuit Missionary Ayetoro, and Bro Omidokun Abdul Lateef, Circuit President, Afon.



The Formal Commissioning of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria Central Mosque and Ahmadiyya Nursery and Primary School, Oke-Ore, Owode Circuit, Ogun State. The Amir Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria, Alh (Barr) Alatoye Folorunso AbdulAzeez, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah, Alhaji Adeoye AbdulWaheed Akanji; Former Naib Amir Special Duties, Alh (Engr) Ahmed Al-Hassan; Circuit President, Owode, Alh. Ajibade; Circuit President, Ota, Bro. Salman; Naib Sadr Admin, Alhaji Raji Dauda; Engr. Aziz Shonibare, Chairman, Building Committee, Coordinator Zone 2, Ustaz Shoboyede, Chief Imam Oke Ore Central Mosque, and others, during the commissioning of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria Central Mosque and Ahmadiyya Nursery and Primary School, Oke-Ore, Owode Circuit, Ogun State on Saturday, January 29th, 2022.



Al-Hafiz Yunus OmotayoJournalist, Missionary of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria, and Chairman, Muslim Writers Guild of Nigeria. (E-mail: al-hafiz@thetruth.ng) An array of both immediate and remote factors stimulated this piece. On February 1, 2022, Amnesty International released a damning report titled “Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: a cruel system of domination and crime against humanity.” The investigation details how Israel enforces a system of oppression and domination against the Palestinian people wherever it has control over their rights. This includes Palestinian living in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OTP), as well as displaced refugees in other countries. (1) Particularly, the comprehensive report sets out how massive seizures of Palestinian land and property, unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians are all components of a system which amounts to apartheid under international law. This system is maintained by violations that Amnesty International found to constitute apartheid as a crime against humanity, as defined in the Rome Statute and Apartheid Convention. (2) Remotely, over the centuries, particularly, both the 20th and the 21st, the Middle Eastern Israeli-Palestinian region has been a hotbed of incessant inter-racial, inter-religious and international crises, conflicts and wars the ominous impacts of which have not only continued to bedevil the socio-political conditions and landscapes of the region, but have also polarized the larger world with resultant jeopardy to global peace and harmony. Historically, the bone of contention in the Israeli-Palestinian crisis initially was: who are the rightful aboriginal owners of the Holy Land of Palestine: the native Arab Palestinians or the Jews? The debates, the crises and the wars on this question spanned the centuries, in fact, the millennia, which preceded the modern 20th century. Then, during the course of some historical moves made by certain Euro-American powers backing the Zionist movement from roughly the late 19th to almost mid-20th centuries, the issue shifted to: why should or should not the Jews in the Diaspora be re-settled and granted statehood in the Holy Land? Subsequently, since the Euro-American sponsored UN’s creation of the State of Israel in 1948 till date, the incessant crises and wars have been revolving around not only the issue of: why should or should not the Arab Palestinians be granted autonomous statehood status in the Holy Land, but also: what geographical area should or should not the boundary of such a state cover? This is the crux of the monster. Importantly, “the essence of this case”, as Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad [rta] maintained, “is that a conspiracy of the Western powers, in which the defunct League of Nations and subsequently its successor, the United Nations actively participated and the government of Britain and the U.S. played the pivotal role, resulted in the emergence of a Jewish state in Palestine which no standard of justice, international law, or the Charter of the United Nations would have sanctioned. They could not have moved a step towards the creation of Israel without the active connivance of these powers. Anyhow, this fateful decision was taken and, ever since, this region has been a scene of armed conflicts and a hotbed of international intrigues.” [3] Observably, one emerging fact from the above is what Professor Ismail Raji Al-faruqi referred to as a “three-cornered affair, involving the Muslim World, Western Christendom and the Jews.” [4] However, there is no gainsaying the fact that none of the three worlds locked in the crisis can be seen to have been pathetically victimized and bedeviled by its devastating consequences much more than the Muslim-dominated Palestinian camp. Little wonder that Al-Faruqi further starkly declared that “the problem of Israel confronting the Muslim World today has neither precedent nor parallel in Islamic history. The Muslim World has tended to regard it as another instance of modern colonialism, or at best, as a repetition of the Crusades. The difference is not that Israel is neither one of these; but that it is both and more, much more.” [5] Notably, the past decades have seen a number of failed peace processes initiated by the Superpowers as well as numerous never-to-be-implemented UN’s resolutions on the crisis. Woeful developments which many observers believe are largely due to the fact that their initiators are themselves the masterminds of, and complicit in, the whole monster. Similarly, the decades of Palestinians’ strategic resort to suicide bombings or martyrdom operations have merely always left the Palestinians with greater devastating consequences. Now, as the conundrum further exacerbates and the Palestinians stand at a crossroad where future prospect seems almost not foreseeable, the self-imposing questions confronting the Palestinians, in particular, and the global Muslim world, in general, are: Why has Palestinians’ continuous looking towards the Western or Eastern Superpowers or the UN for solution failed to bring about the dire freedom? What should be the ultimate move? By highlighting the Palestinians’ and Muslim world’s neglected obligation, this piece interrogates and recommends the missing link in the struggle towards actualizing the freedom of the Palestinians. The Age-Long Most Disputed Land of Palestine The land of Palestine, located in the Middle East, witnessed the first recorded form of civilization in human history in the city of Jericho which was established ten thousand years ago. Ever since it was inhabited by the Canaanites and the sea immigrants named Philistines who integrated with them later on. [6] The land, previously known as the land of Canaan, took the name of the new settlers and came to be known as Palestine. [7] Prophet Ibrahim [Abraham] came to this land around the year 1900 B.C.; in narrating this story the Torah called the area “the Land of Canaan”, admitting the existence of a civilization on the land prior even to the coming of Prophet Ibrahim, the great grandfather of Arabs and Jews. His grandson, Yaqoob [Jacob or Israel], from whom Jews descended migrated with his children from the land of Canaan to Egypt, where they stayed until 1250 B.C. in which Moses took them to the Holy Land.[8] The history of

Featured, Welfare


Humanity First Nigeria, with funding support from Humanity First Canada, joined the Women Servants of Allah in Lajnah Immaillah Nigeria to conduct thirty free cataract eye surgeries in Abeokuta. Humanity First International manages the global gift of sight campaign through the organization of eye surgery outreaches worldwide. The recent expedition was held at the State Hospital Abeokuta Ogun State on the 24th and 31st of May 2022. Six eyeglasses were also given to indigent patients whose eyesight disorder did not warrant surgical interventions. The selection process for the beneficiaries was conducted using Google forms data submission, screening, and selection of the best-suited candidates for surgery from 70 applications. The beneficiaries included 20 females(amongst which was a 12-year-old girl), and 10 Adult males ranging from ages 17 to 86. The free eye cataract operations was highly appreciated by the beneficiaries. It was part of activities commemorating the Centenary celebrations of Lajnah Immaillah worldwide. Gift of Sight Photo Gallery



Condemns Owo Massacre in Strong Terms It was a huge landmark and historic day on Sunday, 19th June 2022 as the National Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Nigeria, Barr. Alatoye Folorunso AbdulAzeez commissioned an Ultra-Modern Central Mosque at Ajagamibo Avenue, Aradagun Badagry in Lagos State.The worship centre was built with state-of-the-art facilities, tiled both within and outside, embedded with good-looking minarets, and surrounded by attractive flowers in a serene and spacious environment. Named ‘Baitul-Fatah Mosque’, the place of worship can easily accommodate over 600 worshippers at once. The foundation of the Mosque was first laid in October 1980 by the then head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Nigeria, His Eminence Ajmal Shaheed Ahmad. The foundation stone was re-laid on Saturday 19th February 2022 by the Badagry Branch President of the Muslim Organization, Pa. M.B Okubena. Hence the mosque project was completed in a record four-month. The Mosque was built and donated by one of the blessed families of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – the Popoola family in honor of their late father Alhaj Abdul Fatah Atanda Popoola who was a staunch and devoted member till his demise in 1982. In his address, the National Head of the Muslim organization lauded the initiatives of the Popoola family, stressing the importance of Mosque building and its aftermath rewards in the hereafter. He added that all places of worship must be sacred centres void of evil acts. Alhaji Alatoye further admonished worshippers to always have pure and sincere minds when observing prayers in Mosques as this is pleased with Almighty God. “The rewards for building Mosques in honor of our late loved ones are in multitudes.  It is a life-time reward.  The initiative of the Popoola family is hereby commendable”. “We must worship in the Mosque with our hearts filled with love, kindness, and piety.  Everything we do in the Mosque must be Godly.  May Allah accepts our sincere prayers,” he prayed. Owo Massacre highly condemnable Alhaji Alatoye also used the opportunity to, once again, condemn in strong terms, the brutal attack on worshippers at St. Francis Catholic Church, Owo in Ondo State. He stated: “It is difficult to believe any group of individuals could have the audacity to attack a place of worship filled with human beings who were gathered to worship God, the Almighty. This is the peak of an affront against God and man that will never go unpunished.  There is no absolutely no justification whatsoever for any group of people to engage themselves in such a callous and dastard act.” “Even in the face of a defensive response to an act of war, the Holy Quran expressly forbids believers from attacking places of worship, children, women, and priests.” The Amir further informed that the youths of the organization joined others in donating blood to the surviving victims of the barbaric attacks. He thus urged the police force to fish out all the perpetrators and their masterminds and made them to face the full wrath of the law for their devilish acts.

For more than one hundred years the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been leading a peaceful revival of Islam. From the time it was founded in India in 1889 it has enjoyed an unrivalled record for peace and for its efforts to build cohesive societies.

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