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Featured, From The Markaz, Humanity

Over 668,000 People Join Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

53rd Jalsa Salana UK concludes with an inspirational address by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. The World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad recently concluded the 53rd Annual International Convention (Jalsa Salana) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community with an inspirational address in the UK. More than 39,800 people from 115 countries attended the Jalsa Salana, which took place at Hadeeqatul Mahdi in Alton, Hampshire. Apart from the thousands of Ahmadi Muslims who participated, many non-Ahmadi and non-Muslim guests also attended.  The entire event was broadcast live on MTA International and streamed online. A highlight of the three-day Jalsa Salana was the pledge of allegiance, known as Bai’at, that took place on Sunday afternoon, where the participants pledged allegiance to Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad as the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph) of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him). The participants formed a human chain leading to the Khalifa as they repeated the words of the pledge in unison. Prior to the ceremony, His Holiness announced that more than 668,500 people had joined the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community during the past year from all around the world. His Holiness further announced that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was now established in 213 countries. This year the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was established in Armenia for the first time. During the address, His Holiness spoke of how Islam in particular, and religion more generally, was being vehemently criticised in the modern world. In light of this, His Holiness powerfully defended Islam’s teachings and highlighted Islam’s superiority to other social systems and spoke of the Holy Quran’s teachings on defending the human rights of all people. His Holiness said that it was commonly alleged that religion was out-dated and incompatible with the modern world and hence religious teachings should be changed in order to suit the needs of the new era. His Holiness said that whilst some other religions are debating whether their religious teachings need to be reformed to suit the modern era, Islamic teachings were timeless and universal and the Holy Quran is, and always will be, the most comprehensive book sufficient for all times and all places. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “We firmly believe that the Holy Quran is the book of Allah the Almighty, and He has promised to safeguard it. Other religions no longer have their original teachings, however the Holy Quran’s teachings have not changed for over 1400 years and will remain so until the Last Day. The teaching of the Holy Quran is everlasting and is for people of all eras.”  Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued: “In this era, by sending the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him), Allah the Almighty has further safeguarded the teachings of the Holy Quran. The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) expounded upon the teachings of the Holy Quran and revealed its hidden treasures. He demonstrated that the Holy Quran caters for the need of all aspects of human interactions; from social relations between individuals and societies to international relations between world nations. It expounds upon spirituality whilst at the same time it reveals great academic and scientific truths. It comprehensively lays out the rights of God and the rights of God’s creation. Therefore, there is no need to be affected by the objections of critics and we should never be under any complex about the Holy Quran.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad further stated: “The Holy Quran caters for even the most seemingly insignificant needs of human beings. The Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) established our rights for us and these are the rights that can guarantee peace at all levels of society.”   His Holiness went on to cite the rights and obligations as laid out by the Holy Quran that its followers must fulfil, including the rights owed to parents, elders, children, neighbours, spouses and all creation of God. His Holiness illustrated the comprehensive nature of the Holy Quran by narrating a verse of the Holy Quran. Chapter 4 verse 37of the Holy Quran speaks in detail of the rights established by God Almighty. The aforementioned verse of the Holy Quran states: “And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neighbour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess. Surely, Allah loves not the proud and the boastful.” His Holiness further mentioned that people should think well of others and not think ill of them. Thus, by doing so, they would develop love, unity and strength amongst each other. His Holiness mentioned that, sadly, it was increasingly common to fail to show affection and basic human sympathy in today’s materialistic world.  If someone is left hungry, they do not care for them, or if someone has financial issues, they do not spend their own wealth to cover the shortcomings of the other. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad mentioned that whilst non-religious people make allegations against religion and Islam in particular, a recent survey showed how charity is donated mostly by religious people and Muslims are amongst those who give to charity the most. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “When one works for Allah and helps his weak, less fortunate brothers, his faith is increased. The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) said that if man does not help others, he gradually becomes like animals in his morals whereby he cares not for others. The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) said, ‘A person’s humanity demands it of him, and he is only a human, if he is kind towards all humanity without discrimination.’ The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) also said, ‘never, under any circumstance, constrict the circle of your kindness.’” His Holiness went on to narrate verses of the Holy Quran that outline how Islam makes it incumbent upon its followers to fulfil the rights of all sections of society. On the rights owed to one’s parents,

AMIR AMJN, Featured, Humanity


Perturbed by the high rate of early marital break-ups among young couples within the Jama’at, the Amir (National Head) of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria, Alhaji (Barr.) Alatoye Folorunso Azeeez has hinted that the parents, especially the fathers cannot absolve themselves from blame on the problem. The Amir made the assertion at the 44th Annual National Ijtema (Convention) of the Majlis Ansarullah Silsila ‘Aliya Ahmadiyya Nigeria (Elders’ Forum) held at Bells University of Technology, Ota, Ogun State. He opined that the genesis of the incessant marital conflicts and divorce could not be unconnected to the unruly and unimaginable behaviours of some fathers who maltreat and disrespect their wives in the presence of the young ones. According to him, all Ahmadi parents are expected to live above board in matters relating to harmonious marital life, adding that it is incumbent on all members to be tolerant and train their wards in the Islamic way of life. His words: “Marital crises among young couples in the Jama’at is a concern to the management.  It is rampant these days, hence the need to collectively proffer solution.  The character of some Ansarullah members towards their wives is extremely terrible and appalling.  To make matters worse, these behaviours are being displayed in the presence of the young ones who are yet to marry.’’ ‘’Let us get this right.  The way we treat our wives is the same way our sons will treat their wives, and the response our wives give us is the same response our daughters will give their husbands.  We as fathers should be good and kind to our wives.  Let us all reform ourselves and set good examples for our children.  Above all, let us be tolerant with our wives.  Majlis Ansarullah is like the brain box of the Jama’at.  We are the fathers of all.  Let us transform ourselves first so as to transform the nation.  Excellent and moral behaviours should be our qualities.  Let us always obey the instructions of Khalifah to get things done progressively.  And let us uphold respect for the rules and regulations of the Jama’at.’’ Inner Reformation: Key to Real Ethical Revolution The Amir speaking on the theme lecture titled: “Inner Reformation: Key to Real Ethical Revolution” highlighted that some of the impediments to reformation can be linked to the strength of resolve and will-power to implement reformation in practice.  These impediments, according to him, are Environmental influence, family influence, non-challant attitudes, correlation between habit and practice (smoking, drinking, etc.), keeping immediate and short-term matters in view, classification of sins as major and minor, human relations and customs as well as whole family reformation. To reform our daily practices, Amir said members must instill in themselves three-fold aspects of character which are: the strength of resolve, correct and proper knowledge, and strength to implement.  He added that the strength to reform others can only occur after individual self-reformation. ‘’Our triumph is not in subjugating anyone nor indeed is it to attain worldly objectives.  It is to make the world submit to God and His Messenger.  The state of reformation of practices is the same.  Some people have to instill strength of resolve, some are in need of strength to implement but for some, the burden is too much and for them, the society has to play its role, Jama’at has to play its role, the auxiliaries have to play their role,” Barr. Alatoye submitted. Self-Reformation is highly critical The Sadr (Head) of Majlis Ansarullah Nigeria, Engr. Abdul Waheed Akanji Adeoye implored elders of Ahmadiyya Community to reform themselves properly before delving into revolutionizing the world. He said: “As believers in and followers of the Reformer raised by Allah for this age, we have the herculean task of revolutionizing the entire world, so that, not only the whole of mankind might recognize the only Creator of the entire universe but also imbibe and live by the nature and spirit of this Creator.  But this we cannot effectively and successfully accomplish the task except we ourselves are properly and adequately reformed; both individually and collectively.” Other Faith-Inspiring Lectures The three-day programme also featured thought-provoking and faith-inspiring lectures delivered by scholars within the Jama’at and these include: “A True Caller to God: Holy Prophet(SAW) as an Excellent Model,” delivered by Muallim Muhammad Qasim Oyekola; “Our Home, Our Future” by Alhaji Abdul Ganiy Oladipupo; “Excelling in Doing Good,” by Barrister Muhammad Bashir; “All of Us Need a Model” by Maulvi Naseem Butt;” and “The Need for the Imam,” by Muallim Abdul Hadi Babarinde.  Darsul Hadith, Darsul Quran, Malfoozat, Shoora (Deliberation) and Health Talk on Diarrhoea Disease and Ischemic Heart Disease also took place. Educational Events Educational events such as Quran Recitation Competition, Qaseedah Competition, Speech Contest, Quiz Competition and sporting events like 100m Race, Power pull, Table Tennis and concentration Race, were also held. Free Medical Camp: Another highlight of the Annual Ijtema is the Free Medical camp where 843 members of the public benefitted from Blood Pressure Checks, Fasting and Random Blood Sugar Checks, Visual Acuity Test, Free Reading Glasses, Health and Nutritional Counselling.  The medical camp was held at the Primary Health Centre Iju, Ogun State. Other Personalities at the Ijtema Other dignitaries at the event include: the Chief Imam of Ota, Imam Muhammad Sidik Buhari; Commissioner of Police Ogun State represented by SP Omikunle Abdul Waheed; Acting Missionary In-charge, Maulvi Adnan Tahir; Naib Amir Finance & Administration, Alhaji Mufadhil Bankole; Naib Amir Tabligh & Tajneed, Dr. Busari Abdul-Lateef; Naib Amir Ta’leem & Tarbiyya, Alhaji Tajudeen Onabanjo; General Secretary AMJN, Alhaji Abbas O. Iromini; immediate Past Amir, Dr. Mashhud A. Fashola; Sadr Majlis Khuddam Nigeria, Engr. Saheed Aina and immediate past Naibeen Amir. Over 2,400 members of the auxiliary body across the country attended the gathering.

Featured, Humanity, Jama'at News


The Amir (National Head) of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria, Alhaji (Barr.) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez has commissioned a new Mosque at Divine Estate, Sango Ota, Ogun State.The Mosque which was donated to the Jama’at by Shinaba Family in loving memory of Alhaja Monsurat Abegbe Shinaba, could accommodate up to 200 worshippers at a go. It measures 19 meters in length and 10meters in width. Barrister Alatoye, while giving his speech, emphasized on the importance and purpose of building a Mosque, adding that enormous divine blessings await anyone or family who constructs and donated the Masjid. He urged members to make use of the Mosque as directed in the Holy Quran, saying that sincere worship and continuous fervent prayers must take place in the Mosque regularly while worshippers must shun enmity and settle their differences. Amir also appreciated the gesture of the Shinaba Family in building and donating the Mosque to the Jama’at. He gave a brief background of the family, stating that Late Pa Shinaba was a devoted and active member while alive and thus admonished the children of the deceased to follow suit and build more Mosques for the Jama’at. He announced that Juma’ah service will commence immediately at the new Mosque.Delivering his brief lecture titled “Essence and Importance of Building a Mosque”, Muallim Qasim Oyekola, a Senior Missionary at the National Headquarters emphasized that Mosque building has a significant and foremost position in Islam. According to him, a Mosque is purely a place of Allah and a tremendous source of moral training.Muallim Oyekola urged worshippers to always stick to the rules, aims and objectives of Mosque building and warned them not to deter from the real essence of a Mosque as it is rampant these days. In his words: “Nowadays, there is a group of Muslims who create discord and troubles in Mosques and such images go viral. Those Mosques are devoid of Taqwa (God-fearing righteousness). As Ahmadis, we should learn and we should strive to ensure that our Mosques are based on Taqwa. If this is established and as long as this is kept in mind, we will continue to receive the bounties of Allah Almighty, God willing.”Visit to other Jama’ats:Amir and his entourage also visited Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at. Abule Oko, Sango Ota to inspect the uncompleted Mosque as well as Ewupe Zone, Igbeyinadun Jama’at Mosque where he addressed members on financial sacrifices and the need to build beautiful and modest Mosques. Entourage of Amir:Among the entourage of Amir are: The Missionary Incharge, Maulana Afzaal Ahmad Rauf and Sadr (Leader) Majlis Ansarullah (Elders Wing), Alhaji (Engr.) Abdul Waheed Akanji Adeoye.

Featured, Humanity, Opinions

Hausa Community Visits Ahmadiyya Headquarters

The Seriki Hausa of Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State, Alh Ahmed Haruna, recently paid a courtesy visit to the Amir (National Head) of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria Alhaji (Barr.) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez. The Seriki and his entourage were received at the National Headquarters by the Amir in company with the Missionary in charge Maulana Afzaal Ahmad Rauf. Also present were the President Alimosho Branch of Ahmadiyya Community Alhaji Abdulmujeeb Idris and the Branch Missionary Muallim Orekoya Luqman. Welcoming Alh. Haruna to his office, the Amir Sahib explained that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at is spread across the country with the largest concentration of active members in the South West. He added that the Jama’at propagates Islam as practiced by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and focuses on the establishment of, and maintenance of peace, provision of education to liberate the Muslim Ummah and the establishment of health institutions in different parts of the country. The Amir expressed his desire to have Friday sermons translated into the Hausa language in our mosques in the Alimosho area to take care of members of the Hausa community who pray in our mosques. He noted that this was already being done in some of our mosques in other parts of the state. The Missionary in charge, Maulana Afzaal Ahmad Rauf Sahib emphasized the need for all Nigerians to promote unity and religious tolerance. He urged Muslims to promote Islam rather than their tribes. Responding, the Seriki said that the Hausa community in Alimosho is divided into eighteen sectors. He added that all the eighteen sectoral heads assist him in running the affairs of the Arewa community in that part of the state. He said his community is in good terms with members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at in the area and that quite a number of Hausas pray in Ahmadiyya mosques. He promised to join the search for interpreters to enable his members to benefit fully from attending Ahmadiyya mosques. In his closing remarks, the Amir expressed the Jama’at’s appreciation to the Seriki Hausa and reiterated the need for every Nigerian to see themselves as one. He urged the Alimosho Branch President and Missionary to follow up on the discussion held with the Seriki and to ensure that members of the Jamaat work hand in hand with the Muslim community in particular and the general populace to promote peace and good neighborliness.

Featured, Humanity, Jama'at News

Fall not into temptation – Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V addresses women at Jalsa Salana France

The Lajna session started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Anam Khalon Sahiba, who recited verses 21-22 of Surah al-Hadid (chapter 57). Hajrah Hadi Sahiba presented the Urdu translation. The verses highlighted that man tends to take this world as “nothing but (temporary) enjoyment” and competition with one another in attaining riches. In comparison to this, one should vie with one another in seeking forgiveness and attaining heaven that has been prepared for believers. Next, an Urdu poem written by the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, was read out by Amatul Basir Mansoor Sahiba. The couplets drew attention towards the hereafter and the fact that all will be presented in front of our Lord. Believers should always remember that Allah can alleviate all problems and one should plead only before Allah. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then presented awards of academic excellence to 39 Lajna members, including international students. Thereafter, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa addressed the congregation. After Tashahud, Ta‘awuz and the recitation of Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated that as he had mentioned in his recent Friday Sermon, the world is moving away from God. A lot of people reject the existence of God in this society; this trend has also affected some Ahmadis, both young and old. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that in such an atmosphere, it is essential to bring oneself and one’s children closer to Allah. Elders should present such examples in front of children that enable them to draw closer to Allah and His love. This responsibility is for men and women both. Allah and His Prophetsa have placed the responsibility of the upbringing of children upon mothers, and this is no easy task. Mothers present their children in the scheme of Waqf-e-Nau but cannot just leave them to their fate after that; tarbiyyat at home is essential. Some mothers pay more attention towards their sons only but this is not right. Here in the western society, tarbiyyat is a very sensitive issue. Tarbiyyat should be carried out with great care and consideration. If men are not carrying out their responsibilities properly, then women should also guide them towards the right path. The Holy Prophetsa said that his companionsra are guides for Muslims. These include both men and women companionsra. Huzooraa said that there were women companionsra who would show great examples. They would worship all night and then fast during the day. As a result, men would complain to the Holy Prophetsa, saying that their wives worshipped all day and night. The Holy Prophetsa had to guide those women companionsra and tell them to adopt a middle path. Thus, if there was a complaint, it was that they would worship all day and night. This was also the same for men. Some women companionsra would complain that their husbands worshipped day and night. Allah has told us to follow such people. It was the example of the lady companionsra that they would beautify themselves for their husbands only and not for the world. They established such examples from which Allah and His Prophetsa were pleased. Huzooraa said that today we observe that there are mothers who beautify themselves, leave their children, and go out with friends. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa­ also noted that men also sometimes tell their wives to attend mix parties and not do pardah. Huzooraa instructed that we should ask ourselves if accepting the Promised Messiahas has brought about any change in us. If our worship has not developed to the extent that Allah requires of us, then we are not fulfilling the purpose of our creation. Men have been commanded to attend mosques, while women have been given the concession to pray at home and gain the same blessings as men. However, if a woman does not take benefit from such an opportunity then they are at great loss. When women begin to worship Allah more attentively, they will be able to carry out good deeds as well and the sense of following Allah and His Prophetsa will begin to manifest within them. The wife has the responsibility of safeguarding the house and the children of the husband. If the husband is not at home, the wife has the responsibility of the children. When children come home from school, the mother should be there for them. If Ahmadi women fulfil this responsibility, then we will have a generation of pious children. However, Huzooraa said, that along with being good examples, mothers must also pray for their children. Those mothers who show good examples and also pray for their children, most often than not, their children grow up to become pious and religious and more mindful of their parents’ rights. Fathers must also help their wives in the upbringing of children. Without the attention of fathers, children cannot be brought up in the desired Islamic way. If mothers are unduly scolding their children, fathers should play their roles wisely. They should not counter their wives’ behavior in the presence of their children but discuss it at a later point. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that modern research suggests that children express their feelings better with their mothers up to the age of 15-16. However, they do not have such a relation with fathers. Huzooraa said that in our culture, at the age of 15-16, fathers and sons tend to develop a distance which is not helpful in tarbiyat. Fathers and children should always have a friendly relationship. Western research states that children keep a relationship with their fathers even after the ages of 15-16 because their fathers do not stop them from immoral acts. However, Ahmadi fathers should keep this relation and friendship so that they can attach their children with religion and distance them from immoral behaviour. The Western society, in the name of freedom, certain things are taught to children that they cannot even comprehend at their age. In the name of knowledge, such education is ending up pushing children into the darkness of immorality. In such an atmosphere, it is vital that Ahmadi mothers first learn and gain knowledge themselves. Then, if their child questions them about indecent things like

For more than one hundred years the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been leading a peaceful revival of Islam. From the time it was founded in India in 1889 it has enjoyed an unrivalled record for peace and for its efforts to build cohesive societies.

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