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Featured, Humanity, Jama'at News

Fall not into temptation – Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V addresses women at Jalsa Salana France

The Lajna session started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Anam Khalon Sahiba, who recited verses 21-22 of Surah al-Hadid (chapter 57). Hajrah Hadi Sahiba presented the Urdu translation. The verses highlighted that man tends to take this world as “nothing but (temporary) enjoyment” and competition with one another in attaining riches. In comparison to this, one should vie with one another in seeking forgiveness and attaining heaven that has been prepared for believers. Next, an Urdu poem written by the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, was read out by Amatul Basir Mansoor Sahiba. The couplets drew attention towards the hereafter and the fact that all will be presented in front of our Lord. Believers should always remember that Allah can alleviate all problems and one should plead only before Allah. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then presented awards of academic excellence to 39 Lajna members, including international students. Thereafter, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa addressed the congregation. After Tashahud, Ta‘awuz and the recitation of Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated that as he had mentioned in his recent Friday Sermon, the world is moving away from God. A lot of people reject the existence of God in this society; this trend has also affected some Ahmadis, both young and old. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that in such an atmosphere, it is essential to bring oneself and one’s children closer to Allah. Elders should present such examples in front of children that enable them to draw closer to Allah and His love. This responsibility is for men and women both. Allah and His Prophetsa have placed the responsibility of the upbringing of children upon mothers, and this is no easy task. Mothers present their children in the scheme of Waqf-e-Nau but cannot just leave them to their fate after that; tarbiyyat at home is essential. Some mothers pay more attention towards their sons only but this is not right. Here in the western society, tarbiyyat is a very sensitive issue. Tarbiyyat should be carried out with great care and consideration. If men are not carrying out their responsibilities properly, then women should also guide them towards the right path. The Holy Prophetsa said that his companionsra are guides for Muslims. These include both men and women companionsra. Huzooraa said that there were women companionsra who would show great examples. They would worship all night and then fast during the day. As a result, men would complain to the Holy Prophetsa, saying that their wives worshipped all day and night. The Holy Prophetsa had to guide those women companionsra and tell them to adopt a middle path. Thus, if there was a complaint, it was that they would worship all day and night. This was also the same for men. Some women companionsra would complain that their husbands worshipped day and night. Allah has told us to follow such people. It was the example of the lady companionsra that they would beautify themselves for their husbands only and not for the world. They established such examples from which Allah and His Prophetsa were pleased. Huzooraa said that today we observe that there are mothers who beautify themselves, leave their children, and go out with friends. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa­ also noted that men also sometimes tell their wives to attend mix parties and not do pardah. Huzooraa instructed that we should ask ourselves if accepting the Promised Messiahas has brought about any change in us. If our worship has not developed to the extent that Allah requires of us, then we are not fulfilling the purpose of our creation. Men have been commanded to attend mosques, while women have been given the concession to pray at home and gain the same blessings as men. However, if a woman does not take benefit from such an opportunity then they are at great loss. When women begin to worship Allah more attentively, they will be able to carry out good deeds as well and the sense of following Allah and His Prophetsa will begin to manifest within them. The wife has the responsibility of safeguarding the house and the children of the husband. If the husband is not at home, the wife has the responsibility of the children. When children come home from school, the mother should be there for them. If Ahmadi women fulfil this responsibility, then we will have a generation of pious children. However, Huzooraa said, that along with being good examples, mothers must also pray for their children. Those mothers who show good examples and also pray for their children, most often than not, their children grow up to become pious and religious and more mindful of their parents’ rights. Fathers must also help their wives in the upbringing of children. Without the attention of fathers, children cannot be brought up in the desired Islamic way. If mothers are unduly scolding their children, fathers should play their roles wisely. They should not counter their wives’ behavior in the presence of their children but discuss it at a later point. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that modern research suggests that children express their feelings better with their mothers up to the age of 15-16. However, they do not have such a relation with fathers. Huzooraa said that in our culture, at the age of 15-16, fathers and sons tend to develop a distance which is not helpful in tarbiyat. Fathers and children should always have a friendly relationship. Western research states that children keep a relationship with their fathers even after the ages of 15-16 because their fathers do not stop them from immoral acts. However, Ahmadi fathers should keep this relation and friendship so that they can attach their children with religion and distance them from immoral behaviour. The Western society, in the name of freedom, certain things are taught to children that they cannot even comprehend at their age. In the name of knowledge, such education is ending up pushing children into the darkness of immorality. In such an atmosphere, it is vital that Ahmadi mothers first learn and gain knowledge themselves. Then, if their child questions them about indecent things like

Featured, From The Markaz, Humanity

LATEST: “May justice and compassion prevail” – Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V to French dignitaries and guests at Jalsa Salana France

Trie-Chateau, France, Saturday, 05 October: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, addressed French dignitaries and guests at Jalsa Salana France at approximately 6:30 pm local time. The session started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Sebastian Ataul Hayye Sahib who recited verse 14 of Surah al-Hujurat (chapter 49). He also presented the French translation of the verse. A brief introduction to the Jamaat was presented to the non-Ahmadi guests present. After, the Mayor of Trie-Chateau, David Didier addressed the Jalsa in which he said he was honoured to receive Hazrat Khlaifatul Masih Vaa in the little town of Trie-Chateau. The next speaker was Dr. Agnes De Foe, a Sociologist, who spoke before the Jalsa. Her brief speech encapsulated her interacting with Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and spoke highly of the message of peace that Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa is promoting. Dr. Katrin Langewiesche, an Anthropologist, spoke of her interacting with the Jamaat in Burkina Faso when the Jamaat was carrying out some charitable works. She also took the opportunity to present her book to Huzooraa, that includes a chapter on Islam Ahmadiyyat. Thereafter, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa addressed the congregation. After Tashahud, Ta‘awuz and the recitation of Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa thanked the guests for joining the “purely religious function”. Huzooraa then condemned the atrocities and violent attacks that have also taken place in France by so-called Muslim extremists. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa highlighted that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. “A true Muslim is a person who himself is a peaceful person” Huzooraa explained. The Islamic greeting itself portrays how Islam is a religion of peace. Even non-Muslims use this greeting. Thus, it cannot be that Islam teaches to meet others with peace and security and on the other hand, promotes hate and extremism. “All forms of extremism and violence are completely against Islamic teachings”, Huzooraa expressed. In order to truly understand the teachings of Islam, one must study the life of its Holy Founder, peace be upon him. Huzooraa laid out how inhumane injustices were carried out against Muslims. However, the Holy Prophetsa taught patience. The Holy Prophetsa called upon his followers to remain peaceful even if it costed their lives. The Holy Prophetsa and his companions endured this relentless pain and then migrated out of their city to escape this agony. However, the enemies of Islam continued to pursue them and cause pain to Muslims. Finally, Allah gave permission to fight in defence to safeguard religion. “Hence, when the Holy Prophetsa and his followers were forced to partake in wars and battles, it was for the sake of defending the rights of all people” including people of other faiths, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa explained. If Islam wanted to spread its teachings with force, then why would the Holy Quran explicitly state that it was the duty of Muslims to safeguard all people and their rights? Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa exampled that early Muslims gave their life to uphold and establish the principles of “individual liberty, freedom of religion and freedom of belief”, which are the “corner stones of Islam.”  Chapter 2 verse 257 of the Holy Quran encapsulates this freedom, Huzooraa explained. The Holy Prophetsa and the four Rightly Guided Caliphs never usurped rights of others. Rather they promoted freedom and peace. The Holy Prophetsa, after migrating to Medina, formed a treaty with the Jews of Medina. “The Muslims and the Jews pledged to cooperate and to be faithful citizens of the state” Huzooraa said. They were able to practice their religion and customs without the fear of sanctions or persecution. The Holy Prophetsa never deviated from this covenant. Islam has never permitted its followers to spread their faith “through the use of force”. The treaty of Medina enabled all people to practice their beliefs and traditions and were duty bound to be loyal citizens of the state and to refrain from all activities that would undermine the peace of the city. Keeping these aspects in mind, it is not accurate to attribute the deeds of a minority of Muslims who commit atrocities to the religion of Islam. Huzooraa said that “from cover to cover” the Holy Quran is replete with guidance that instruct Muslims to avail “every opportunity for attaining peace in the world.” Allah the Almighty instructed the Holy Prophetsa to convey the message of Islam and thereafter leave the matter to Allah. The Holy Quran never once advocated violence or force against those who shunned its teachings, rather “it called on Muslims to exhibit tolerance and patience” Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that “Islam’s teachings are categorical that violent conquest or forceful conversion are strictly prohibited”. Any act or conduct that is detrimental to the peace of society is forbidden in Islam. The Holy Prophetsa taught that a true Muslim is he from whose tongue and hands, others are safe. The Holy Prophetsa made it clear that Muslims must protect and care for all members of society, irrespective of faith. Consequently, terrorists who commit suicide bombings, attack night clubs etc. are all guilty of violating the teachings of Islam. The Holy Quran has also given guiding principles of day-to-day life that promote peace. For example chapter 2 verse 189 of the Holy Quran promotes fair trade and upholding the integrity of all transactions. Allah instructs Muslims to acquire wealth in an honest and truthful manner, not being unjust. Chapter 83 verses 2-4, the Holy Quran condemns those who are exploitative in business transactions, try to short-change others while demanding more than their due, in return. Such people are cursed and will be disgraced. The Holy Quran has given guidance for internal conflicts as well. The Islamic focus is always in establishing sustainable peace. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa referred to chapter 49, verse 10 of the Holy Quran that details how two conflicting parties or nations should be dealt with, in a just and peaceful manner. Huzooraa said that the verse captures a means of lasting peace, if acted on. However, regrettably, many Muslim nations fail to act upon this Quranic injunction. Today, we observe that cruelty and injustices are perpetrated by dominant powers in the name of

Featured, From The Markaz, Humanity, Jama'at News, Opinions

Only Allah and His messengers will prevail – Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V concludes the 27th Jalsa Salana France

Trie-Chateau, France, Sunday, 06 October: The 27th Jalsa Salana France concludes with Bai‘at and the final address of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper. The Bai‘at ceremony at the 27th Jalsa Salana France took place at approximately 3:15 local time. Huzooraa then led the congregation in Zuhr and Asr prayers. The concluding session was initiated with the recitation of the Holy Quran, verses 13-20 of Surah Luqman (chapter 31),  followed by their Urdu translation by Mansoor Ahmad Sahib. The verses captured Hazrat Luqman’sas guidance to his son; shunning shirk, being thankful, praying and adopting good morals. An Arabic poem written by the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, was then read out by an Arab Ahmadi, Hamza Sahib. The couplets were translated by Usama Ahmad Sahib. The poem was in praise of Allah the Almighty. An Urdu poem written by the Promised Messiahas was then read out by Matlub Ahmad Sahib. Next, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa presented awards of academic excellence to more than 35 members. Thereafter, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa addressed the congregation. After Tashahud, Ta‘awuz and the recitation of Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa recited verse 22 of Surah al-Mujadalah from the Holy Quran followed by its translation. The translation of the verse is “Allah has decreed: ‘Most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers.’ Verily, Allah is Powerful, Mighty.” Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa explained that prophets have to endure great hardships when they are raised by Allah. It seems as the prophets will be defeated by enemies, but Allah grants them ultimate success. Huzooraa said that the verse he recited points towards this victory. The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, went through this as well. His enemies thought they would destroy the weak Muslims but the complete opposite happened. Then, Allah sent the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, and gave him great promises of success and victory. Allah continuously told the Promised Messiahas that he would come out successful despite enemies from all sides. On numerous occasions, the Promised Messiahas received the revelation, “Allah has decreed: ‘Most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers.’” The Promised Messiahas said that God, from the outset, has written and has made it His practice that He and His prophet shall be victorious. In a similar vein, the Promised Messiahas came as the second coming of the Holy Prophetsa. In Noah’s Ark the Promised Messiahas asks if people think that enemies will stop the prophet of Allah i.e himself. The answer is that it is not possible and “Allah has decreed: ‘Most surely I will prevail, I and my Messengers.’” At an occasion, the Promised Messiahas said that the one who is from Allah can never go to waste. And that Allah grants victory to His prophets. The meaning of “victory” is to establish the message and truthfulness of Allah in the earth. Prophets come to sow the seed; this is the “victory” that is followed by a second manifestation that cultivates the seed sowed by the prophet. This second manifestation of Khilafat can be observed through the success of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya. Huzooraa said that the message that was given from a small hamlet is now echoing throughout the world. The history of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya bears witness to the promise of Allah that His Prophet will prosper. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa expressed that he would relate incidents on how Allah has and is fulfilling this promise. A gentlemen from Cameroon phoned the Jamaat and said that his son received a pamphlet that was entitled, “The Messiah has come”. The man said he was lazy in offering namaz prior. Once, in a dream and prior to seeing the Jamaat pamphlet, he saw a white bearded man who told him to get up and offer namaz and to be consistent in it. Later, he came across MTA Africa and saw the exact same white bearded man delivering a lecture. The man did not know that there was a Jamaat in Cameroon as well. Through the pamphlet he came in contact with the Jamaat and was told about Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. The man testified to the truthfulness of the Jamaat and did Bai‘at. Huzooraa said that the man by the grace of Allah is now consistent in prayers and is increasing his knowledge. A lady from Tunisia states that she had illnesses from a young age. She was unaware about religion and only knew that she was a Muslim. At that time, in a dream, she saw a man leading her in prayers and she declared that this was the correct manner of worship. The lady would listen to Sheikh Hasaan’s lectures on the signs of the day of judgement. She would ask herself whether such signs would manifest at the coming of the Messiah and whether he would come. She then saw in a dream that she was in a hospital, time was passing very quickly and she wanted to leave the hospital. She then heard a voice which said “do not be afraid, I will take you home”, the person who said this was a man who had a thick beard and wore a turban. Upon asking who he was, the man said that he was “Muhammad”. She woke up and felt as if it was real. When she told her sister, her sister expressed to her that Satan cannot embody the Holy Prophetsa. Later, she came across MTA Al Arabiya and saw the picture of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa in which Huzooraa quoted the Promised Messiahas. When a picture of the Promised Messiahas was shown on screen, she was astonished as it was him who she saw in her dream as “Muhammad”. The lady then accepted Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya. There is a city in Tanzania in which our missionary was persecuted. Now there are regular radio programmes of the Jamaat in this city. As a result of these programmes, the son of the Imam of the city has accepted Ahmadiyyat along with others. Huzooraa said that now, none can raise a voice against Ahmadis in this city and people say that no scholar there can complete with Ahmadi Muslims

Featured, Humanity


The Amir (National Head) of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria Alhaji (Barr.) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez on Monday led a delegation to pay a courtesy visit to the Executive Governor State of Osun Mr. Adegboyega Isiaka Oyetola at his official residence in Osogbo. In his speech, Barr. Alatoye felicitated with the governor for emerging the eventual winner of the State governorship election at the tribunals. He referred to the court ruling as an act of Almighty God. He also commended the governor for embarking on social and economic programmes that are beneficial to the populace since the assumption of office. The Amir further thanked the governor for his unalloyed support and cooperation in respect of Minaret International University project in Ikirun, State of Osun. Governor Oyetola was formally invited to the forthcoming Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) of the group which will hold at Ilaro Ogun State between 20th and 22nd December 2019, and also the international convention of Ahmadiyya Community in the United Kingdom next year. In his response, Governor Oyetola appreciated the august visit and thanked the Muslim organization for their prayers and support towards the success of his administration. Recalling his long-standing relationship with Ahmadiyya Community right from childhood, the governor disclosed that the Community is a peace-loving organization that spreads the peaceful message of Islam around the globe and engages in humanitarian services which also cut across education and health sectors. The governor vowed to always give full support to the Muslim organization especially on its laudable projects within the state and also promised to attend the Nigeria Jalsa Salana as well as the international convention in the U.K. Other members of the delegation include the Missionary In-charge Maulvi Afzaal Ahmad Rauf; immediate past Amir AMJN Dr. Mashhud Adenrele Fashola; General Secretary Alh. Abbas Iromini; National Secretary External Affairs Alhaji Hassan Sunmonu; the Akirun of Ikirun Oba Olawale Olayiwola Adedeji II and Alh.(Tpl.) Bosun Akinde.

AMIR AMJN, Humanity

LATEST: Harmony through educational excellence: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V speaks at UNESCO

At approximately 6:15 local time a special session by UNESCO commenced in Miollis, Paris with the arrival of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa. UNESCO, with 193 member-countries, is a body of the United Nations that “seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture.” UNESCO’s constitution, signed on 16 November 1945, envisions to establish peace “upon dialogue and mutual understanding”, and “upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of humanity.” UNESCO globally carries out a large number of charitable, humanitarian and intellectual projects. With Huzoor’saa arrival, the session started with a series of speeches from UNESCO officials and other dignitaries, followed by an introduction to Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya by Asif Arif Sahib. The speakers included; the communications supervisor of Mali’s delegation at UNESCO, Mr Jean Christophe Auge the Religious Adviser of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Mr Clement Rouchouse from the Central Religion Advisory Board at the Home Office, Mr Gregoire Dublineau, Mayor of Eaubonne, Mr Willy Breton, President of the NATO Memorial and Mr Guillaume Diallo, representative of the Malian Christians living abroad. The speakers expressed their admiration of the peaceful aspirations and works of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. Thereafter, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa addressed the congregation. Huzooraa greeted the guests and thanked UNESCO for the event. Huzooraa also thanked all the guests who came to listen to “a person who is neither a politician, nor a political leader, nor a scientist, but the head of a religious community…” Huzooraa said that the founding objectives of UNESCO being peace, respect, human rights, education, freedom of expression and alleviating poverty are all “excellent and praiseworthy”. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa expressed that the guests may be surprised to hear that these are also the objectives of Islam. “Such service is based on the very first chapter of the Holy Quran which states that Allah the All Mighty is the Lord of all the worlds”. Huzooraa explained that this verse is a reminder for Muslims that Allah is the Lord of all humankind, “irrespective of cast, creed and colour.” Huzooraa said that Islam teaches that “the values of mutual respect and tolerance must be firmly embedded within society”. Allah is the Provider and Sustainer to all people, even though they may reject him. “His grace and mercy remain even with those who continually speak ill of Him”, Huzooraa explained. The philosophy of punishment or sanction established by God, in Islam, is geared more towards the hereafter. In this life, Allah continues to manifest his grace and mercy and has instructed mankind also to show compassion and sympathy to one another. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated that “it is a religious obligation on Muslims to fulfil the requirements of other people, irrespective of religion, culture or ethnicity and to always be kind” to “the emotions and needs of others”. Huzooraa explained how the Holy Prophetsa was the best of all creation but yet, had to endure great hardships. After migration to Medina, the Holy Prophetsa was elected as Head of the State and “under his leadership, the covenant proved to be a magnificent charter of human rights and governance, ensuring peace between the different communities”. The Prophetsa of Islam established an impartial judiciary and made it clear that there would be the same law for the rich and powerful and the poor and weak. All people would be treated equally, according to the law of the land. The Holy Prophetsa made it clear that the same law applied to his own family. Further, “the Prophet of Islam established an excellent education system through which the intellectual standards of that society were raised”. Educated people were instructed to teach the illiterate. “This was all done so that the weak and powerless could stand on their own two feet and advance”. Huzooraa mentioned that the Holy Prophetsa established a code of business and financial ethics. “In an age when slavery was rampant and slave owners treated their slaves mercilessly, the Prophet of Islam sought to bring about a revolution in society.” Slave owners were urged by the Holy Prophetsa to treat their slaves with compassion and respect and to ultimately free them. The roads of the city were expanded and improved. A city-cleaning programme was also implemented by the Holy Prophetsa and the population was taught about the importance of hygiene and health. Huzooraa said “For the very first time amongst the Arabs, an orderly and civilised society was established”, resulting in citizens becoming beneficial and active members of society. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then spoke about how the Holy Prophetsa of Islam has been mischaracterised in today’s society. The reality is that the Prophetsa of Islam spent every moment of his life, “championing the rights of all people.” He established “a timeless charter of human rights.” The Prophetsa of Islam taught to respect the beliefs and feelings of others. Huzooraa said that it was regrettable that, in the modern world, respect has been sacrificed in the name of so-called freedom and entertainment. “The founders of religion are no longer spared mockery and contempt” The Holy Quran, however, says that Muslims should not even speak ill of the idols of others, as they, in return, may speak ill of Allah the Almighty, hence disrupting the peace of society. The Holy Prophetsa of Islam established various schemes to raise the standard of living of the weak and underprivileged. He said that “a poor person who was moral and considerate had far greater value than a rich person who cared not for the feelings of others”. Even in small matters, the Holy Prophetsa paid great attention to ensure protection of the feelings of underprivileged citizens of the society. For instance, the Holy Prophetsa would tell Muslims to invite the poor and weak to dinner. The Prophet of Islamsa continually told his followers to free slaves, or, if it was not possible, to at least feed and clothe them the same way that they fed and clothed themselves. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then spoke of the rights of women in Islam. Huzooraa said that it is often alleged that Islam denies women’s rights, but “nothing could be further from the truth”. In a time when women were not respected, the Holy Prophetsa instructed his followers to

AMIR AMJN, Humanity


Ahead of the forthcoming 67th Annual National Convention (Jalsa Salana) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria scheduled to hold in Ilaro Ogun State, its National Head (Amir), Alhaji (Barr.) Alatoye Folorunso Azeez has paid a familiarization visit to the traditional ruler of the town, the Olu of Ilaro and Paramount Ruler of Yewaland, Oba Kehinde Gbadewole Olugbenle, MFR at his Palace in Ilaro. The Amir was accompanied by the Missionary Incharge, Maulvi Afzaal Ahmad Rauf; Naib Amir (Deputy Head) Finance and Administration, Alhaji Mufadhil Bankole; Sadr, Majlis Ansarullah Nigeria (President, Elders Forum), Alhaji (Engr.) Abdul Waheed Adeoye; the Principal Ahmadiyya School of Theology, Maulvi Abdul Azeem Ahmed; National General Secretary, Alhaji Abbas Iromini and Chairman Convention Organizing Committee, Engr. Qasim Oluwa. Barrister Alatoye expressed profound gratitude to the King for accommodating the Muslim Organization’s institutions and members without rancour or intimidation.  He added that the continuous hospitality being shown the Ahmadiyya Community was well recognised by the Supreme Head of the Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(May Allah be his helper). He also delivered the peaceful message which the Supreme Head has been spreading and championing globally.  The Amir later presented some Jama’at’s literature to the King and formally invited him to the forthcoming convention at Ilaro and also International Conference in the United Kingdom in 2020. In his response, the Olu of Ilaro commended the good neighbourliness, support and cooperation of the Ahmadiyya Community in Ilaro Township and prayed for a successful regime of the new leadership. His Royal Highness also thanked the organization for establishing institutions in Ilaro and further requested the community to site a University in the Town.  He promised to attend the Conference in December 2019 and also link up with the global head of the Ahmadiyya Community in London soon. Visit to Chief Imam: The National Head also visited the Chief Imam of Ilaro, Alhaji Tajudeen Mustapha Adewunmi and thanked him for embracing and sustaining a peaceful atmosphere among religious leaders in the Town.  He solicited for continuous peace and harmony among the religious leaders and members, noting that violence and enmity cannot be traced to the teachings of Islam. The Amir further appealed to the Chief Imam to always use his good office to advise the government on good governance which should cut across road construction, provision of food and shelter and other social amenities that are beneficial to the masses.  He later invited the Chief Imam to the Convention and presented him with some Jama’at’s books. Accepting the formal invitation to attend the forthcoming Jalsa Salana, the Chief Imam described Ahmadiyya Community as a role model to other religious bodies due to its numerous educative programs and seminars; the proper upbringing of the children and financial sacrifices in the way of God Almighty. He cited some of the organization’s seasoned scholars as good ambassadors of the Community, adding that their impacts are well felt positively among the non-Ahmadi Muslims. The Chief Imam further requested for the establishment of Ahmadiyya Hospital/ Maternity which will comprise of female staff and where childbirth would be taking place. Qualities of Ahmadi Members: The Amir later led the Jumu’ah prayer at Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Central Mosque, Sabo Ilaro and discussed on five (5) important qualities of an Ahmadi member. He highlighted complete obedience to the institution of Khilafat, respect to the constituted authority, love for everybody, goodness to all and offering of five Daily Prayers as innate and vital qualities which must be imbibed and displayed by a true Ahmadi member anywhere in the world. Barrister Alatoye emphasized that the success of Nigeria Jama’at totally depends on obedience to the laid down rules and regulations of the Community and all the directives of the global head.

AMIR AMJN, Humanity, News


The Worldwide Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(May Allah be his Helper) has appointed Engineer Oluwa Qasim Olaposi as the new Officer Jalsa Salana Nigeria. Officer Jalsa Salana is the administrative head who coordinates the activities of Jalsa workers and the entire Administrative setup, whose sole responsibility is to organise a befitting Jalsa Salana (Annual Conference) for all the honourable guests. Engr. Oluwa replaces Alhaji Mufadhil Bankole who had served in that capacity for 12 years and was recently appointed as the Naib Amir (Deputy National Head) Finance & Administration. In his emotion-laden speech during the Handing Over Ceremony which took place at the Jalsa venue, Ilaro, Engr. Oluwa who was hitherto officer in charge of water solicited the support and cooperation of all Jalsa Salana Administrative set up in a bid to successfully accomplish the herculean task before him, especially the organization of a remarkable Jalsa Salana 2019 for more than 40,000 guests. His words: “Today marks a very significant turning point in my life.  Taking care of over 40,000 guests/visitors of the Promised Messiah(May the Peace of Allah be upon him) is indeed a great task.  A heavy burden of responsibility has been placed on me.  With collective prayers and efforts, it is my belief that the team shall succeed in all respect.  I therefore humbly solicit your prayers for a successful regime.  I need the special grace of Almighty Allah to carry the burden.” The outgoing Officer Jalsa Salana congratulated the new helmsman and described him as a competent, reliable, dedicated and trustworthy member of the Jama’at who is up to the tasks ahead. “I have no doubt in my mind that the new Officer Jalsa Salana will not disappoint the Jama’at.  He needs your full support towards making adequate arrangement for all the guests in relation to Accommodation, Feeding, Water, Sanitation, Electricity and all other things necessary to make the three-day event comfortable as much as possible,” Alhaji Bankole said. Alhaji Bankole expressed his gratitude to all Jalsa Officers for a successful tenure in spite of some ups and downs, agreements and disagreements.  He said: “My relationship with members of Jalsa Salana Administrative Set up has been very interesting and lovely.  With the right attitude and approach they are ready to work as directed.  One obvious fact is that on any issue, we disagree a lot but would later agree to get good results beneficial to the members.” He also thanked the former Amir, Prof. Mashhud Adenrele Fashola for giving him the privilege to serve the Jama’at as well as his maximum support at all times.

For more than one hundred years the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been leading a peaceful revival of Islam. From the time it was founded in India in 1889 it has enjoyed an unrivalled record for peace and for its efforts to build cohesive societies.

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