Humanity First Nigeria, with funding support from Humanity First Canada, joined the Women Servants of Allah in Lajnah Immaillah Nigeria to conduct thirty free cataract eye surgeries in Abeokuta.
Humanity First International manages the global gift of sight campaign through the organization of eye surgery outreaches worldwide.
The recent expedition was held at the State Hospital Abeokuta Ogun State on the 24th and 31st of May 2022. Six eyeglasses were also given to indigent patients whose eyesight disorder did not warrant surgical interventions.

The selection process for the beneficiaries was conducted using Google forms data submission, screening, and selection of the best-suited candidates for surgery from 70 applications.
The beneficiaries included 20 females(amongst which was a 12-year-old girl), and 10 Adult males ranging from ages 17 to 86.

The free eye cataract operations was highly appreciated by the beneficiaries. It was part of activities commemorating the Centenary celebrations of Lajnah Immaillah worldwide.