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From The Markaz

Featured, From The Markaz, Opinions

Ahmadiyya Head Moves to New Headquarters in Islamabad

The worldwide head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad ( May the peace and blessings of Allah be on him) moved earlier this afternoon from London to the new Jamaat Markaz (headquarters) in Tilford, Surrey, to the land that is fittingly named Islamabad. Huzooraa had indicated in his Friday Sermon delivered on 12 April that he would soon be moving from London to Islamabad. This historic moment came on Monday, 15 April 2019, immediately after the Asr prayer at Fazl Mosque, London, when Huzooraa departed the Fazl Mosque and took the A3 southbound, headed towards Islamabad. A large number of Londoners were present to see off their beloved Imamaa, whom they had become accustomed to seeing in the Fazl Mosque five times a day at every prayer for almost 16 years; including the tenure of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh, the Fazl Mosque served as the residence for Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya for almost 35 years. The crowds of people gathered at the Fazl Mosque sang choral poems to see off their beloved Imamaa. Huzoor’saa entourage arrived at Islamabad, Surrey at approximately 6:55 pm where a large number of residents of Islamabad, those belonging to neighboring Jamaats and many more joyfully welcomed Huzooraa. After arriving at Islamabad, Huzooraa waved and said Salaam to the rejoicing crowds. The atmosphere echoed with the prayer: رَبّنا تقبّل منّا انّک انت السّمیع العلیم (Our Lord, accept this from us, for Thou art surely the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing) and choral poems (taranas) that children sang in praise of Allah to add colour to the very historic moment in the history of Islam. This day was reminiscent of the great hijrats (migrations) that have taken place in the history of Islam. When progress and prosperity is manifested through the expansion of Allah’s Jamaat and migration is destined to happen, then Allah provides facilities to contain and uphold the divine bounties bestowed by Allah on His Jamaat. We are fortunate to be living in the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, through whom, we have witnessed another milestone, among many, in the growth of Islam Ahmadiyyat. We know from history that every hijrat has opened up avenues for the propagation of Islam and we know with full conviction that his hijrat will lead the Jamaat towards success that is otherwise unattainable by mere human power – Insha-Allah. Central offices – including Huzoor’saa private secretariat, Wakalat-e-Tabshir, Wakalat-e-Mal, Wakalat-e-Tamil-o-Tanfidh (India, Nepal and Bhutan) – have also moved to Islamabad as part of the Markaz’s shift. As Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa mentioned in his latest Friday Sermon, the residential colony is being inhabited by Waqifeen-e-Zindagi, most of whom will be working in the local offices. In a period of just around two years, we have seen a great transformation of what was once a make-shift residential facility into state-of-the-art offices and residential complex. We pray to Allah that He makes this new Markaz a beacon of light for all mankind and that facilitates the Jamaat further in propagating the message of Muhammad Rasulullahsa.

Featured, From The Markaz


The World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered the keynote address at a special reception held to mark the opening of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s new headquarters in Islamabad, Tilford, UK. In his keynote address to a gathering of over 300 guests, including Members of Parliament, Members of the House of Lords, Members of the Armed Forces, various other dignitaries and local residents and neighbours, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad began by expressing his gratitude and appreciation to the guests in attendance and to the neighbours of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s new headquarters in Islamabad.  Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:“I wish to offer my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to our neighbours and to all the local residents in this area, as well as to the local Council members who have shown immense generosity and proved that they are tolerant and open-minded by enabling us to redevelop this complex.”  His Holiness spoke about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s historical ties to the site and explained that the 25-acre site (now 33-acres) was purchased in 1985. The site had previously been used as a boarding school, which had closed  in 1977 and remained unused until the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community purchased and renamed the property as Islamabad “Chapter 4, verse 37 of the Holy Quran imposes a code of moral values which true Muslims must adopt and live their lives by and it guides them about how to interact with other members of society. Where on the one hand, the verse states that Muslims must worship Allah the Almighty alone and not associate any partners with Him, it also commands them to show compassion and love to all mankind.”  “The verse then categorically states that Muslims must fulfil the rights of their neighbours, including those with whom they have personal relations and those with whom they do not. Fulfilling the rights of neighbours means that Muslims must treat their neighbours with grace and compassion and be ever ready to help them in their times of need and times of grief. It means to respect them and to hold them in the highest regard.”  Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad further elaborated upon who is meant by a ‘neighbour’ according to Islamic teachings.  Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:  “According to Islam, the definition of a neighbour is extremely far-reaching. The Founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) stated that a person’s neighbours are not just those who live in the immediate vicinity but include at least the nearest 40 houses. In light of this, we consider all of the people living in this area and even those who may travel on the roads near this site as our neighbours.”  Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad informed the audience that he had instructed Ahmadi Muslims to treat all local residents and neighbours of Islamabad with the utmost courtesy and respect at all times.  Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:  “It is incumbent upon all Ahmadi Muslims, whether they live here at Islamabad, whether they live locally or even if they just travel here to attend the prayers, to follow the laws, to be considerate at all times and to fulfil the rights of our wide circle of neighbours and to try to ensure that no distress or disturbance is ever caused to them.”  Leading by example, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad himself made a beautiful promise to the local residents and neighbours of the Islamabad site.  Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:  “I personally pledge that I will uphold and honour your rights and strive to care for all of you and I will continually urge the members of our Community to do the same.”  Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:  “Allah the Almighty has commanded Muslims that it is not enough for them to merely worship in the Mosque but they must serve their local communities and constantly strive to help those who are in need. In fact, Allah the Almighty states that the prayers of those who fail in their duties to mankind are worthless and will never be accepted by Him.”  His Holiness spoke about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s Mosques the world over and explained that wherever the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community builds mosques, serving humanity and the local community becomes an integral part of the Mosque and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s presence. 

Featured, From The Markaz, Humanity

Over 668,000 People Join Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

53rd Jalsa Salana UK concludes with an inspirational address by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. The World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad recently concluded the 53rd Annual International Convention (Jalsa Salana) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community with an inspirational address in the UK. More than 39,800 people from 115 countries attended the Jalsa Salana, which took place at Hadeeqatul Mahdi in Alton, Hampshire. Apart from the thousands of Ahmadi Muslims who participated, many non-Ahmadi and non-Muslim guests also attended.  The entire event was broadcast live on MTA International and streamed online. A highlight of the three-day Jalsa Salana was the pledge of allegiance, known as Bai’at, that took place on Sunday afternoon, where the participants pledged allegiance to Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad as the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph) of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him). The participants formed a human chain leading to the Khalifa as they repeated the words of the pledge in unison. Prior to the ceremony, His Holiness announced that more than 668,500 people had joined the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community during the past year from all around the world. His Holiness further announced that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was now established in 213 countries. This year the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was established in Armenia for the first time. During the address, His Holiness spoke of how Islam in particular, and religion more generally, was being vehemently criticised in the modern world. In light of this, His Holiness powerfully defended Islam’s teachings and highlighted Islam’s superiority to other social systems and spoke of the Holy Quran’s teachings on defending the human rights of all people. His Holiness said that it was commonly alleged that religion was out-dated and incompatible with the modern world and hence religious teachings should be changed in order to suit the needs of the new era. His Holiness said that whilst some other religions are debating whether their religious teachings need to be reformed to suit the modern era, Islamic teachings were timeless and universal and the Holy Quran is, and always will be, the most comprehensive book sufficient for all times and all places. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “We firmly believe that the Holy Quran is the book of Allah the Almighty, and He has promised to safeguard it. Other religions no longer have their original teachings, however the Holy Quran’s teachings have not changed for over 1400 years and will remain so until the Last Day. The teaching of the Holy Quran is everlasting and is for people of all eras.”  Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued: “In this era, by sending the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him), Allah the Almighty has further safeguarded the teachings of the Holy Quran. The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) expounded upon the teachings of the Holy Quran and revealed its hidden treasures. He demonstrated that the Holy Quran caters for the need of all aspects of human interactions; from social relations between individuals and societies to international relations between world nations. It expounds upon spirituality whilst at the same time it reveals great academic and scientific truths. It comprehensively lays out the rights of God and the rights of God’s creation. Therefore, there is no need to be affected by the objections of critics and we should never be under any complex about the Holy Quran.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad further stated: “The Holy Quran caters for even the most seemingly insignificant needs of human beings. The Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) established our rights for us and these are the rights that can guarantee peace at all levels of society.”   His Holiness went on to cite the rights and obligations as laid out by the Holy Quran that its followers must fulfil, including the rights owed to parents, elders, children, neighbours, spouses and all creation of God. His Holiness illustrated the comprehensive nature of the Holy Quran by narrating a verse of the Holy Quran. Chapter 4 verse 37of the Holy Quran speaks in detail of the rights established by God Almighty. The aforementioned verse of the Holy Quran states: “And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neighbour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess. Surely, Allah loves not the proud and the boastful.” His Holiness further mentioned that people should think well of others and not think ill of them. Thus, by doing so, they would develop love, unity and strength amongst each other. His Holiness mentioned that, sadly, it was increasingly common to fail to show affection and basic human sympathy in today’s materialistic world.  If someone is left hungry, they do not care for them, or if someone has financial issues, they do not spend their own wealth to cover the shortcomings of the other. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad mentioned that whilst non-religious people make allegations against religion and Islam in particular, a recent survey showed how charity is donated mostly by religious people and Muslims are amongst those who give to charity the most. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: “When one works for Allah and helps his weak, less fortunate brothers, his faith is increased. The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) said that if man does not help others, he gradually becomes like animals in his morals whereby he cares not for others. The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) said, ‘A person’s humanity demands it of him, and he is only a human, if he is kind towards all humanity without discrimination.’ The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) also said, ‘never, under any circumstance, constrict the circle of your kindness.’” His Holiness went on to narrate verses of the Holy Quran that outline how Islam makes it incumbent upon its followers to fulfil the rights of all sections of society. On the rights owed to one’s parents,

Featured, From The Markaz, Humanity

LATEST: “May justice and compassion prevail” – Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V to French dignitaries and guests at Jalsa Salana France

Trie-Chateau, France, Saturday, 05 October: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, addressed French dignitaries and guests at Jalsa Salana France at approximately 6:30 pm local time. The session started with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Sebastian Ataul Hayye Sahib who recited verse 14 of Surah al-Hujurat (chapter 49). He also presented the French translation of the verse. A brief introduction to the Jamaat was presented to the non-Ahmadi guests present. After, the Mayor of Trie-Chateau, David Didier addressed the Jalsa in which he said he was honoured to receive Hazrat Khlaifatul Masih Vaa in the little town of Trie-Chateau. The next speaker was Dr. Agnes De Foe, a Sociologist, who spoke before the Jalsa. Her brief speech encapsulated her interacting with Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and spoke highly of the message of peace that Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa is promoting. Dr. Katrin Langewiesche, an Anthropologist, spoke of her interacting with the Jamaat in Burkina Faso when the Jamaat was carrying out some charitable works. She also took the opportunity to present her book to Huzooraa, that includes a chapter on Islam Ahmadiyyat. Thereafter, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa addressed the congregation. After Tashahud, Ta‘awuz and the recitation of Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa thanked the guests for joining the “purely religious function”. Huzooraa then condemned the atrocities and violent attacks that have also taken place in France by so-called Muslim extremists. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa highlighted that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. “A true Muslim is a person who himself is a peaceful person” Huzooraa explained. The Islamic greeting itself portrays how Islam is a religion of peace. Even non-Muslims use this greeting. Thus, it cannot be that Islam teaches to meet others with peace and security and on the other hand, promotes hate and extremism. “All forms of extremism and violence are completely against Islamic teachings”, Huzooraa expressed. In order to truly understand the teachings of Islam, one must study the life of its Holy Founder, peace be upon him. Huzooraa laid out how inhumane injustices were carried out against Muslims. However, the Holy Prophetsa taught patience. The Holy Prophetsa called upon his followers to remain peaceful even if it costed their lives. The Holy Prophetsa and his companions endured this relentless pain and then migrated out of their city to escape this agony. However, the enemies of Islam continued to pursue them and cause pain to Muslims. Finally, Allah gave permission to fight in defence to safeguard religion. “Hence, when the Holy Prophetsa and his followers were forced to partake in wars and battles, it was for the sake of defending the rights of all people” including people of other faiths, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa explained. If Islam wanted to spread its teachings with force, then why would the Holy Quran explicitly state that it was the duty of Muslims to safeguard all people and their rights? Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa exampled that early Muslims gave their life to uphold and establish the principles of “individual liberty, freedom of religion and freedom of belief”, which are the “corner stones of Islam.”  Chapter 2 verse 257 of the Holy Quran encapsulates this freedom, Huzooraa explained. The Holy Prophetsa and the four Rightly Guided Caliphs never usurped rights of others. Rather they promoted freedom and peace. The Holy Prophetsa, after migrating to Medina, formed a treaty with the Jews of Medina. “The Muslims and the Jews pledged to cooperate and to be faithful citizens of the state” Huzooraa said. They were able to practice their religion and customs without the fear of sanctions or persecution. The Holy Prophetsa never deviated from this covenant. Islam has never permitted its followers to spread their faith “through the use of force”. The treaty of Medina enabled all people to practice their beliefs and traditions and were duty bound to be loyal citizens of the state and to refrain from all activities that would undermine the peace of the city. Keeping these aspects in mind, it is not accurate to attribute the deeds of a minority of Muslims who commit atrocities to the religion of Islam. Huzooraa said that “from cover to cover” the Holy Quran is replete with guidance that instruct Muslims to avail “every opportunity for attaining peace in the world.” Allah the Almighty instructed the Holy Prophetsa to convey the message of Islam and thereafter leave the matter to Allah. The Holy Quran never once advocated violence or force against those who shunned its teachings, rather “it called on Muslims to exhibit tolerance and patience” Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that “Islam’s teachings are categorical that violent conquest or forceful conversion are strictly prohibited”. Any act or conduct that is detrimental to the peace of society is forbidden in Islam. The Holy Prophetsa taught that a true Muslim is he from whose tongue and hands, others are safe. The Holy Prophetsa made it clear that Muslims must protect and care for all members of society, irrespective of faith. Consequently, terrorists who commit suicide bombings, attack night clubs etc. are all guilty of violating the teachings of Islam. The Holy Quran has also given guiding principles of day-to-day life that promote peace. For example chapter 2 verse 189 of the Holy Quran promotes fair trade and upholding the integrity of all transactions. Allah instructs Muslims to acquire wealth in an honest and truthful manner, not being unjust. Chapter 83 verses 2-4, the Holy Quran condemns those who are exploitative in business transactions, try to short-change others while demanding more than their due, in return. Such people are cursed and will be disgraced. The Holy Quran has given guidance for internal conflicts as well. The Islamic focus is always in establishing sustainable peace. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa referred to chapter 49, verse 10 of the Holy Quran that details how two conflicting parties or nations should be dealt with, in a just and peaceful manner. Huzooraa said that the verse captures a means of lasting peace, if acted on. However, regrettably, many Muslim nations fail to act upon this Quranic injunction. Today, we observe that cruelty and injustices are perpetrated by dominant powers in the name of

Featured, From The Markaz, Humanity, Jama'at News, Opinions

Only Allah and His messengers will prevail – Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V concludes the 27th Jalsa Salana France

Trie-Chateau, France, Sunday, 06 October: The 27th Jalsa Salana France concludes with Bai‘at and the final address of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper. The Bai‘at ceremony at the 27th Jalsa Salana France took place at approximately 3:15 local time. Huzooraa then led the congregation in Zuhr and Asr prayers. The concluding session was initiated with the recitation of the Holy Quran, verses 13-20 of Surah Luqman (chapter 31),  followed by their Urdu translation by Mansoor Ahmad Sahib. The verses captured Hazrat Luqman’sas guidance to his son; shunning shirk, being thankful, praying and adopting good morals. An Arabic poem written by the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, was then read out by an Arab Ahmadi, Hamza Sahib. The couplets were translated by Usama Ahmad Sahib. The poem was in praise of Allah the Almighty. An Urdu poem written by the Promised Messiahas was then read out by Matlub Ahmad Sahib. Next, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa presented awards of academic excellence to more than 35 members. Thereafter, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa addressed the congregation. After Tashahud, Ta‘awuz and the recitation of Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa recited verse 22 of Surah al-Mujadalah from the Holy Quran followed by its translation. The translation of the verse is “Allah has decreed: ‘Most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers.’ Verily, Allah is Powerful, Mighty.” Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa explained that prophets have to endure great hardships when they are raised by Allah. It seems as the prophets will be defeated by enemies, but Allah grants them ultimate success. Huzooraa said that the verse he recited points towards this victory. The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, went through this as well. His enemies thought they would destroy the weak Muslims but the complete opposite happened. Then, Allah sent the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, and gave him great promises of success and victory. Allah continuously told the Promised Messiahas that he would come out successful despite enemies from all sides. On numerous occasions, the Promised Messiahas received the revelation, “Allah has decreed: ‘Most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers.’” The Promised Messiahas said that God, from the outset, has written and has made it His practice that He and His prophet shall be victorious. In a similar vein, the Promised Messiahas came as the second coming of the Holy Prophetsa. In Noah’s Ark the Promised Messiahas asks if people think that enemies will stop the prophet of Allah i.e himself. The answer is that it is not possible and “Allah has decreed: ‘Most surely I will prevail, I and my Messengers.’” At an occasion, the Promised Messiahas said that the one who is from Allah can never go to waste. And that Allah grants victory to His prophets. The meaning of “victory” is to establish the message and truthfulness of Allah in the earth. Prophets come to sow the seed; this is the “victory” that is followed by a second manifestation that cultivates the seed sowed by the prophet. This second manifestation of Khilafat can be observed through the success of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya. Huzooraa said that the message that was given from a small hamlet is now echoing throughout the world. The history of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya bears witness to the promise of Allah that His Prophet will prosper. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa expressed that he would relate incidents on how Allah has and is fulfilling this promise. A gentlemen from Cameroon phoned the Jamaat and said that his son received a pamphlet that was entitled, “The Messiah has come”. The man said he was lazy in offering namaz prior. Once, in a dream and prior to seeing the Jamaat pamphlet, he saw a white bearded man who told him to get up and offer namaz and to be consistent in it. Later, he came across MTA Africa and saw the exact same white bearded man delivering a lecture. The man did not know that there was a Jamaat in Cameroon as well. Through the pamphlet he came in contact with the Jamaat and was told about Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. The man testified to the truthfulness of the Jamaat and did Bai‘at. Huzooraa said that the man by the grace of Allah is now consistent in prayers and is increasing his knowledge. A lady from Tunisia states that she had illnesses from a young age. She was unaware about religion and only knew that she was a Muslim. At that time, in a dream, she saw a man leading her in prayers and she declared that this was the correct manner of worship. The lady would listen to Sheikh Hasaan’s lectures on the signs of the day of judgement. She would ask herself whether such signs would manifest at the coming of the Messiah and whether he would come. She then saw in a dream that she was in a hospital, time was passing very quickly and she wanted to leave the hospital. She then heard a voice which said “do not be afraid, I will take you home”, the person who said this was a man who had a thick beard and wore a turban. Upon asking who he was, the man said that he was “Muhammad”. She woke up and felt as if it was real. When she told her sister, her sister expressed to her that Satan cannot embody the Holy Prophetsa. Later, she came across MTA Al Arabiya and saw the picture of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa in which Huzooraa quoted the Promised Messiahas. When a picture of the Promised Messiahas was shown on screen, she was astonished as it was him who she saw in her dream as “Muhammad”. The lady then accepted Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya. There is a city in Tanzania in which our missionary was persecuted. Now there are regular radio programmes of the Jamaat in this city. As a result of these programmes, the son of the Imam of the city has accepted Ahmadiyyat along with others. Huzooraa said that now, none can raise a voice against Ahmadis in this city and people say that no scholar there can complete with Ahmadi Muslims

For more than one hundred years the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been leading a peaceful revival of Islam. From the time it was founded in India in 1889 it has enjoyed an unrivalled record for peace and for its efforts to build cohesive societies.

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