The Amir Sahib led the Juma’at service at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Central Mosque Tanke, Ilorin where he discussed the global peace moves by His Holiness. He reminded the congregation on the need to imbibe the characters of the companions of the Holy Prophet(May the Peace of Allah be on him) which centered around righteousness, kindness, simplicity, honesty, Godliness, truthfulness, love among others.
Barrister Alatoye added that there was the need to change our value system from evil to goodness and Muslims worldwide must be ready to obey and respect the Holy Prophet(May the Peace and Blessings of God be upon him) if indeed we want a positive change across the board.
“Foremost of the attributes of the companions of Holy Prophet(May the Peace and Blessings of God be upon him) is unquestionable obedience to Allah and the Holy Prophet(May the Peace and Blessings of God be upon him) humility, love and prayers. The spirit of obedience will, no doubt, eliminate all forms of negativities. You cannot obey when you are not humble. We must obey all elected and appointees of the Jama’at. We must love one another.”
Among the entourage of the Amir were: the Naib Amir (Deputy President) Finance & Administration, Alhaji Mufadhil Bankole, Naib Amir Tabligh & Tajneed (Preaching & Census), Dr. Latif Busari and the General Secretary, AMJN, Alhaji Abbas O. Iromini.